Insert Piz Here Mr. Alias 2
NewsInsert Piz Here has updated Mr. Alias to v2.01.
B.Serrano Adonis Pro [Freeware]
NewsB.Serrano has announced that Adonis-Pro, the advanced version of Adonis, the hybrid VA / AM / FM synthesizer VSTi for Windows, is now available as freeware (it was donationware).
EVE 2 Updated, Licensed To Wusik
NewsWusik has announced that it has licensed EVE (Electronic Vintage Ensemble) from Dash Signature / NUSofting and updated it to v2.5.1.
Tekky Synths SyNpLyX
NewsTekky Synths has announced its new synth VST instruments for Windows SyNpLyX.
Tekky Synths WavDrYx
NewsTekky Synths has announced the release of anew synth VST instrument for Windows: WavDrYx.
CGMProds. SF2 Control VST
NewsCGM Prods. has announced the release of SF2 Control VST, a SoundFont synth editor and VST-MIDI compatible plug-in.
Retro Sampling Oscillator Pak - Sampler Synth Elements
NewsRetro Sampling has announced the release of Oscillator Pak - Sampler Synth Elements, a Maize Sampler-based waveform ROMpler containing a selection of waveforms for alternative synth programming.
Vember Audio Surge Update
NewsVember Audio has updated Surge to v1.5.2.
Sineqube Kapling [Freeware]
NewsKapling is a simple little standalone physical modeling synthesizer application for Mac OS X built with Max/MSP 5.
Sonic At Work Presents Accentus
NewsSonic At Work presents the virtual analog synthesizer plug-in Accentus.
Farbrausch Releases BR404 Public Beta
NewsFarbrausch recently released a Public Beta version of BR404, a new VST instrument synthesizer plug-in for Windows, programmed by Benjamin "BeRo" Rosseaux.
Tone2 Releases Gladiator 2
NewsTone2 has announced the release of Gladiator 2.
Wusikstation Updated To v5.8.0
NewsWusik has updated Wusikstation to v5.8.0.
Sugar Bytes Updates Unique To v1.1
NewsSugar Bytes has updated Unique to v1.1.
Heavyocity Evolve Expanded Content 2
NewsHeavyocity has announced the release of Evolve Expanded Content 2.