[Feature Article] MIXING IN A HOME STUDIO - ultimate gu… - A Guide To Mixing Music
Given the good response our "Mastering at Home" series received, yours truly has put himself to the task of doing a similar guide dedicated to recording and mixing.
[Feature Article] A final word - A guide to mixing music - Part 147
The time has come to put an end to this series of articles dedicated to the art of mixing. In this installment, which is unlike any other so far for obvious reasons, I invite you to take a look behin…
[Feature Article] Give it a twist - A guide to mixing music - Part 146
For this penultimate episode, I will show you some tricks that might end up disrupting your daily routine and spicing up your mixes. This article is obviously addressed to people having already some …
[Feature Article] Serendipity - A guide to mixing music - Part 145
Today I ask you to join me in this somewhat particular article where I'll discuss something that's a bit off topic but you nevertheless ought to always bear in mind: accidents in the context of music…
[Feature Article] Real-life mixing - A guide to mixing music - Part 144
In a couple of weeks, this mixing guide will come to an end. I'm not kidding! Even the neverending story must come to a conclusion. However, I do love good thrillers, so I left one last twist for the…
[Feature Article] Increasing your productivity - A guide to mixing music - Part 143
I must admit that today's topic makes me grind my teeth, but we really need to call things by their name. And, as with any other creative discipline, when it comes to mixing, productivity is importan…
[Feature Article] Learning to mix – Part 3 - A guide to mixing music - Part 142
Last part in the chapter dedicated to learning. Some of you might think that today's topic is an apology of truisms, but that's not going to stir me from writing what I'm about to write, because I th…
[Feature Article] Learning to mix – Part 2 - A guide to mixing music - Part 141
Last week I told you about the basic exercises you need to practice in order to start your way into the complex art of mixing. But that was only the first part, obviously. Before you sit down to mix …
[Feature Article] Learning to mix – Part 1 - A guide to mixing music - Part 140
In the previous installment you learned how to get to know your mixing tools like the back of your hand. But knowing how audio processors work doesn't necessarily mean that you know how to mix! Indee…
[Feature Article] Getting to know your mixing tools - A guide to mixing music - Part 139
The last couple of weeks we've seen how to put together the perfect tool box to help you out with your mixes. Although having a shiny new tool box doesn't necessarily mean that you know how to use th…