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4.2/5(5 reviews)
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Published on 10/31/08 at 16:00
Lots of good quality effects. 4 drivers/resonators per patch. Very impressive envelops and lfos (With great routing) good sequencer, if a little complicated. 3 mod wheels and two track-ball controllers. (With 4 parameters each)
£240 Second Hand
The manual is in German so I can't comment. The LCD editing view is huge, but the navigation of the menus isn't consistent.
Technics offer no support for this synth, but I have never needed it. Rock solid build quality. The action of the keys is very good.
You can create some very nice evolving expressive sounds. But it is very difficult to get them to fit into a mix. They have a "nasal" sound to them.
£240 Second Hand
The manual is in German so I can't comment. The LCD editing view is huge, but the navigation of the menus isn't consistent.
Technics offer no support for this synth, but I have never needed it. Rock solid build quality. The action of the keys is very good.
You can create some very nice evolving expressive sounds. But it is very difficult to get them to fit into a mix. They have a "nasal" sound to them.
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Lots of good quality effects. 4 drivers/resonators per patch. Very impressive envelops and lfos (With great routing) good sequencer, if a little complicated. 3 mod wheels and two track-ball controllers. (With 4 parameters each)
£240 Second Hand
The manual is in German so I can't comment. The LCD editing view is huge, but the navigation of the menus isn't consistent.
Technics offer no support for this synth, but I have never needed it. Rock solid build quality. The action of the keys is very good.
You can create some very nice evolving expressive sounds. But it is very difficult to get them to fit into a mix. They have a "nasal" sound to them.
It's a great master controller with 32 midi channels, a very nice keyboard and excellent real time controllers. It's let down by it's sound quality. Good for the odd sound here and there, but not as your only synth.
Originally posted on
Posted by: Unknown ( 5-, 2002)
£240 Second Hand
The manual is in German so I can't comment. The LCD editing view is huge, but the navigation of the menus isn't consistent.
Technics offer no support for this synth, but I have never needed it. Rock solid build quality. The action of the keys is very good.
You can create some very nice evolving expressive sounds. But it is very difficult to get them to fit into a mix. They have a "nasal" sound to them.
It's a great master controller with 32 midi channels, a very nice keyboard and excellent real time controllers. It's let down by it's sound quality. Good for the odd sound here and there, but not as your only synth.
Originally posted on
Posted by: Unknown ( 5-, 2002)
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Published on 09/03/02 at 02:05 (This content has been automatically translated from French)
Three wheels (pitch, modulation, modulation center), the "realtime controller" (a kind of pitch wheel four directions), the realtime creator (the equivalent of the Wavestation joystick), the two footswitches and assignable expression pedals are many paramtres: read all those modules synthse and effects. Drawbars mode, the buttons beneath the screen (two speed incremented / dcrmentation following pressure applied to them) are operating the drawbars.
The connection is complte enough: in addition to the Stereo output is assignable to a pair which may be added two other pairs and output thanks numrique an option card (not found, unfortunately ). The two sets of MIDI can make good use of...…
The connection is complte enough: in addition to the Stereo output is assignable to a pair which may be added two other pairs and output thanks numrique an option card (not found, unfortunately ). The two sets of MIDI can make good use of...…
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Three wheels (pitch, modulation, modulation center), the "realtime controller" (a kind of pitch wheel four directions), the realtime creator (the equivalent of the Wavestation joystick), the two footswitches and assignable expression pedals are many paramtres: read all those modules synthse and effects. Drawbars mode, the buttons beneath the screen (two speed incremented / dcrmentation following pressure applied to them) are operating the drawbars.
The connection is complte enough: in addition to the Stereo output is assignable to a pair which may be added two other pairs and output thanks numrique an option card (not found, unfortunately ). The two sets of MIDI can make good use of the 32 multitimbral parts. on the other hand, MIDI clock messages are put / transmitted since the MIDI 1.
Two banks of 128 ROM sounds, both in RAM. A bank of 128 combinations in ROM, two RAM.
Overall, the OS of this synth is trs enjoyable, with many advanced functions, such as the choice of cutting or not the notes upon a change of sound, or the possibility CRER banks of remaps (3 for the sound-dernire ensuring the General MIDI compatibility, and 2 for combis) trs prparer useful to the enchantment of sounds dclencher with a switch.
The edition is greatly facilitated by the standard screen, trs bright. In edition of squenceur, it allows you to view the drum kits Drum Edit Manir a classic, and notes in the form of Grid Edit.
The edition of the modlisation paramtres read is not really easy, too often it means about the results without knowing what effect changes in values. on the other hand, combinations include everything you may need to scne or simply to control other machines: rglage mono / polyphonic dcalage of VLOC and pitch of the notes made MIDI, rassignation Controller of ...
Among the edition of the default sounds, note: the rglages are not in real time, the LFO did not fade ngatif, grids and VLOC zone keyboard to the four layers of each of four shares a sound component is not adjustable in playing the keyboard, no load from the floppy drive during the game
The manual, although relatively pais, is not very complete. However, the synth is intuitive enough to be able to do without.
5 octaves of the keyboard that synth is one of the best I have tried until the: soft, with a jump bounce. He can play longer without fatigue. The sensitivity and aftertouch the VLOC (both adjustable) trs is good and fits all styles of play
The stepfather may sound dull in single player, but once intgres in a mix, they are perfectly in place and everything is usable. on the other hand, for displaying the synth synthse "acoustic modeling," we are far from what trs are able VL1 or even a one in Contents Z1 acoustic simulation. However, thanks to many trs paramtres of synthse and the number of oscillators (up to 32 per note Combi mode), we can CRER sounds really rich and vibrant and pads to a thickness rare.
The effects are really means. The limits are dlais 300 ms, which is really just for Multitaps the rverbes sound too "mono" and mtalliques, for the same distortion. But once again, this is felt especially in single player, and much less in real terms. For cons, the rotary speaker plutt is nice, with its SETTING THE drive, speed acclration / desclration indpendantes for AIGS and serious.
The sheets are superb, with a grain really diffrent following sounds (especially thanks to the possibility of modulation), the soloists are trs can be sharp or soft, and Rhodes electric pianos and acoustic tr s good (with good programming and dynamic layers LFO) and drum kits correct (except the hi-hats that have a dearth of AIGS). Brass and other solo strings, for cons, too mdiocres to be used.
Unfortunately, the sound of the instrument gnral is too late and I got Dfine. I have supper converters 16 bit / 44 kHz a little weak ... With no expansion card numrique, I do not know if this problem can be rsolu thanks her.
Using this keyboard for five years in conjunction with a JD-800 and a Wavestation, I am satisfied. This is one concert in j'emmne priori by the diversity and versatility of its sound and its possibilities of expression in live. The keyboard is not the preferences abroad: I sold my keyboard Fatar-Matra prfrais because I play on that of the Technics ...
This keyboard was trading at more than 20,000 francs its release in 1996. In 1997 I bought used 6500 francs! I can not thank enough the Failed business that has been with the Technics WSA! If I had me spare, I think that has to be a K2600 or a workstation of this caliber. So considering the price of these machines, the WSA should stay in my setup a few years!
The connection is complte enough: in addition to the Stereo output is assignable to a pair which may be added two other pairs and output thanks numrique an option card (not found, unfortunately ). The two sets of MIDI can make good use of the 32 multitimbral parts. on the other hand, MIDI clock messages are put / transmitted since the MIDI 1.
Two banks of 128 ROM sounds, both in RAM. A bank of 128 combinations in ROM, two RAM.
Overall, the OS of this synth is trs enjoyable, with many advanced functions, such as the choice of cutting or not the notes upon a change of sound, or the possibility CRER banks of remaps (3 for the sound-dernire ensuring the General MIDI compatibility, and 2 for combis) trs prparer useful to the enchantment of sounds dclencher with a switch.
The edition is greatly facilitated by the standard screen, trs bright. In edition of squenceur, it allows you to view the drum kits Drum Edit Manir a classic, and notes in the form of Grid Edit.
The edition of the modlisation paramtres read is not really easy, too often it means about the results without knowing what effect changes in values. on the other hand, combinations include everything you may need to scne or simply to control other machines: rglage mono / polyphonic dcalage of VLOC and pitch of the notes made MIDI, rassignation Controller of ...
Among the edition of the default sounds, note: the rglages are not in real time, the LFO did not fade ngatif, grids and VLOC zone keyboard to the four layers of each of four shares a sound component is not adjustable in playing the keyboard, no load from the floppy drive during the game
The manual, although relatively pais, is not very complete. However, the synth is intuitive enough to be able to do without.
5 octaves of the keyboard that synth is one of the best I have tried until the: soft, with a jump bounce. He can play longer without fatigue. The sensitivity and aftertouch the VLOC (both adjustable) trs is good and fits all styles of play
The stepfather may sound dull in single player, but once intgres in a mix, they are perfectly in place and everything is usable. on the other hand, for displaying the synth synthse "acoustic modeling," we are far from what trs are able VL1 or even a one in Contents Z1 acoustic simulation. However, thanks to many trs paramtres of synthse and the number of oscillators (up to 32 per note Combi mode), we can CRER sounds really rich and vibrant and pads to a thickness rare.
The effects are really means. The limits are dlais 300 ms, which is really just for Multitaps the rverbes sound too "mono" and mtalliques, for the same distortion. But once again, this is felt especially in single player, and much less in real terms. For cons, the rotary speaker plutt is nice, with its SETTING THE drive, speed acclration / desclration indpendantes for AIGS and serious.
The sheets are superb, with a grain really diffrent following sounds (especially thanks to the possibility of modulation), the soloists are trs can be sharp or soft, and Rhodes electric pianos and acoustic tr s good (with good programming and dynamic layers LFO) and drum kits correct (except the hi-hats that have a dearth of AIGS). Brass and other solo strings, for cons, too mdiocres to be used.
Unfortunately, the sound of the instrument gnral is too late and I got Dfine. I have supper converters 16 bit / 44 kHz a little weak ... With no expansion card numrique, I do not know if this problem can be rsolu thanks her.
Using this keyboard for five years in conjunction with a JD-800 and a Wavestation, I am satisfied. This is one concert in j'emmne priori by the diversity and versatility of its sound and its possibilities of expression in live. The keyboard is not the preferences abroad: I sold my keyboard Fatar-Matra prfrais because I play on that of the Technics ...
This keyboard was trading at more than 20,000 francs its release in 1996. In 1997 I bought used 6500 francs! I can not thank enough the Failed business that has been with the Technics WSA! If I had me spare, I think that has to be a K2600 or a workstation of this caliber. So considering the price of these machines, the WSA should stay in my setup a few years!
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Published on 10/21/05 at 07:46 (This content has been automatically translated from French)
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The company name is normally associated Technics llectronique consumption. Cest dailleurs one of the main reasons why this synthtiseur Has a dsastre for society Matsushita, keyboards sold with only 300 and 100 racks. Marketed in 1995, it is THE FIRST Technics between instruments in the field of professionals, beginners vrit remarkable. The WSA1 offers 64 voices of polyphony and three possde...…
Instructions available here: <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>
The company name is normally associated Technics llectronique consumption. Cest dailleurs one of the main reasons why this synthtiseur Has a dsastre for society Matsushita, keyboards sold with only 300 and 100 racks. Marketed in 1995, it is THE FIRST Technics between instruments in the field of professionals, beginners vrit remarkable. The WSA1 offers 64 voices of polyphony and three possde...…
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Extract <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>
Instructions available here: <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>
The company name is normally associated Technics llectronique consumption. Cest dailleurs one of the main reasons why this synthtiseur Has a dsastre for society Matsushita, keyboards sold with only 300 and 100 racks. Marketed in 1995, it is THE FIRST Technics between instruments in the field of professionals, beginners vrit remarkable. The WSA1 offers 64 voices of polyphony and three possde modulation wheel, two rotating balls (reminiscent of the joystick Wavestation), a standard screen with an intuitive graphic design, and excellent keyboard.
This is the only synthtiseur can directly express the combination of several different attacks associated rsonateurs, making possible the manipulation of basic CHARACTERISTICS MODEL. The structures can be associated, for example, simulate rsonances friendly. For the settings may be associated with a particular message to fit the Midi CONTRL his personal needs. The CONTRL intermdiaire of the Midi peripherals is simple and efficient trs.
Factory Demos available here: # WSA
Here synthse employee wears the pretty name dAcoustic Modeling Synthesis. It makes sagit dun Systm mixed using samples recorded (dattaques transient, noise), which then are sent to the rsonateurs MODELS simulated by donde guides. This principle is similar to the basic concept of Korg and Roland Wavedrum VG8 with forms that dmarrent donde prexistantes while VL1 modlise absolutely everything, including the form donde original.
Despite all these possibilities, it is far synthtiseur dgal a VL1 or even in the Z1 in terms of sound quality, sound imitation, and expressiveness. The acoustic sounds are dull, pianos mtalliques, an aliasing is important, but many effects, it is inefficient nanmoins trs comfortable in an amazing sound design.
This synthtiseur Pipelines Limited to be played on the keyboard and play an instrument with the Controller of breath is impossible. The large number of rsonateurs, excitement and paramtres opens a vast field of exploration. The WSA1 could be a good compromise between physical MODELS Sampling and if the quality was denregistrement t better. Using samples of attacks Reduces Whereas the cot in computing, which allows 64-voice polyphony and a large variety of rsonateur. In comparison, the VL1 modlise that everything, including the attack, gives better quality sound but srieusement limit the number of instruments, mostly wind, and is monophonic.
Instructions available here: <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>
The company name is normally associated Technics llectronique consumption. Cest dailleurs one of the main reasons why this synthtiseur Has a dsastre for society Matsushita, keyboards sold with only 300 and 100 racks. Marketed in 1995, it is THE FIRST Technics between instruments in the field of professionals, beginners vrit remarkable. The WSA1 offers 64 voices of polyphony and three possde modulation wheel, two rotating balls (reminiscent of the joystick Wavestation), a standard screen with an intuitive graphic design, and excellent keyboard.
This is the only synthtiseur can directly express the combination of several different attacks associated rsonateurs, making possible the manipulation of basic CHARACTERISTICS MODEL. The structures can be associated, for example, simulate rsonances friendly. For the settings may be associated with a particular message to fit the Midi CONTRL his personal needs. The CONTRL intermdiaire of the Midi peripherals is simple and efficient trs.
Factory Demos available here: # WSA
Here synthse employee wears the pretty name dAcoustic Modeling Synthesis. It makes sagit dun Systm mixed using samples recorded (dattaques transient, noise), which then are sent to the rsonateurs MODELS simulated by donde guides. This principle is similar to the basic concept of Korg and Roland Wavedrum VG8 with forms that dmarrent donde prexistantes while VL1 modlise absolutely everything, including the form donde original.
Despite all these possibilities, it is far synthtiseur dgal a VL1 or even in the Z1 in terms of sound quality, sound imitation, and expressiveness. The acoustic sounds are dull, pianos mtalliques, an aliasing is important, but many effects, it is inefficient nanmoins trs comfortable in an amazing sound design.
This synthtiseur Pipelines Limited to be played on the keyboard and play an instrument with the Controller of breath is impossible. The large number of rsonateurs, excitement and paramtres opens a vast field of exploration. The WSA1 could be a good compromise between physical MODELS Sampling and if the quality was denregistrement t better. Using samples of attacks Reduces Whereas the cot in computing, which allows 64-voice polyphony and a large variety of rsonateur. In comparison, the VL1 modlise that everything, including the attack, gives better quality sound but srieusement limit the number of instruments, mostly wind, and is monophonic.
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Published on 02/24/08 at 01:36 (This content has been automatically translated from French)
Demos at:
61 keys, aftertouch, keyboard resembles a 01W/trinity/SY77. It is good and we play very well on it, hard enough for the piano and soft enough for the organ.
There are 5! a pitch bend, two wheels and two balls. 5 controllers is great, everything is assignable. It can even control the resonant filter of an expander.
More than complete since there are two sets of MIDI!
Patch: 4 banks, User1, User2, Rom, GM (128 sounds each time)
Combi: User1, Rom
64 tracks
The screen is huge and well lit. It is not particularly beautiful graphics (less that a triton or...…
61 keys, aftertouch, keyboard resembles a 01W/trinity/SY77. It is good and we play very well on it, hard enough for the piano and soft enough for the organ.
There are 5! a pitch bend, two wheels and two balls. 5 controllers is great, everything is assignable. It can even control the resonant filter of an expander.
More than complete since there are two sets of MIDI!
Patch: 4 banks, User1, User2, Rom, GM (128 sounds each time)
Combi: User1, Rom
64 tracks
The screen is huge and well lit. It is not particularly beautiful graphics (less that a triton or...…
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Demos at:
61 keys, aftertouch, keyboard resembles a 01W/trinity/SY77. It is good and we play very well on it, hard enough for the piano and soft enough for the organ.
There are 5! a pitch bend, two wheels and two balls. 5 controllers is great, everything is assignable. It can even control the resonant filter of an expander.
More than complete since there are two sets of MIDI!
Patch: 4 banks, User1, User2, Rom, GM (128 sounds each time)
Combi: User1, Rom
64 tracks
The screen is huge and well lit. It is not particularly beautiful graphics (less that a triton or trinity) but we see very well and everything is very clear. The buttons on either side of the screen is super practical.
-Nearly 15 pounds
Demos at:
Machine easy to handle. I regret that there is no presence of a DEC / INC for sounds. We must each time select a range of 8 sounds (you can freeze the screen) and then tap one of eight sounds. OK it is very fast, but it would go faster if we had a + / - or if you could type a number of its direct.
Editing is superb graphics and very simple. Nothing to say on this side!
Totally inadequate, missing lots of info. How is it for that ... guess!
It is very intuitive. Without too much searching we finally found what you're looking
Demos at:
WSA means Acoustic Modeling Synthesis.
It simulates, emulates, is modeling .. of acoustic sounds, recreating an attack, a strike etc. .. Yes ba the result is pretty bad. Ok, I managed to get some great sax but almost everything! Not rated this frankly is not very successful.
But then what is this synth?
This is where this machine is interesting.
The WSA has a drawbar mode, ie the organ drawbars. And quite frankly he is doing really not bad. Lots of fun on it, everything is paramettrable, Leslie effects with high speed, low speed, frequency, etc. .. The unknown side of the WSA is really excellent is even why I bought it.
When you listen to the sounds of origin in the User Bank, we understand why this synth did not work. They are so bizarre that one wonders if there are good sounds in it! In searching the net I finally found what I wanted. I have bass sounds or webs as strong as my AN1x.
We should not seek to 14h MIDI, you can obetnir a good piano sound and that's it. It is not very strong in this area. I found one or two sounds good but all the others are similar.
Again he can do very good things.
Two good three violins
Brass zero
low average
good battery
Demos at:
If you want realistic sounds of brass: n NOT BUY this synth!
He excels in the organs, and synthesis. Attention to the output amplifier can be enormous. As soon as possible I put examples of sounds!
61 keys, aftertouch, keyboard resembles a 01W/trinity/SY77. It is good and we play very well on it, hard enough for the piano and soft enough for the organ.
There are 5! a pitch bend, two wheels and two balls. 5 controllers is great, everything is assignable. It can even control the resonant filter of an expander.
More than complete since there are two sets of MIDI!
Patch: 4 banks, User1, User2, Rom, GM (128 sounds each time)
Combi: User1, Rom
64 tracks
The screen is huge and well lit. It is not particularly beautiful graphics (less that a triton or trinity) but we see very well and everything is very clear. The buttons on either side of the screen is super practical.
-Nearly 15 pounds
Demos at:
Machine easy to handle. I regret that there is no presence of a DEC / INC for sounds. We must each time select a range of 8 sounds (you can freeze the screen) and then tap one of eight sounds. OK it is very fast, but it would go faster if we had a + / - or if you could type a number of its direct.
Editing is superb graphics and very simple. Nothing to say on this side!
Totally inadequate, missing lots of info. How is it for that ... guess!
It is very intuitive. Without too much searching we finally found what you're looking
Demos at:
WSA means Acoustic Modeling Synthesis.
It simulates, emulates, is modeling .. of acoustic sounds, recreating an attack, a strike etc. .. Yes ba the result is pretty bad. Ok, I managed to get some great sax but almost everything! Not rated this frankly is not very successful.
But then what is this synth?
This is where this machine is interesting.
The WSA has a drawbar mode, ie the organ drawbars. And quite frankly he is doing really not bad. Lots of fun on it, everything is paramettrable, Leslie effects with high speed, low speed, frequency, etc. .. The unknown side of the WSA is really excellent is even why I bought it.
When you listen to the sounds of origin in the User Bank, we understand why this synth did not work. They are so bizarre that one wonders if there are good sounds in it! In searching the net I finally found what I wanted. I have bass sounds or webs as strong as my AN1x.
We should not seek to 14h MIDI, you can obetnir a good piano sound and that's it. It is not very strong in this area. I found one or two sounds good but all the others are similar.
Again he can do very good things.
Two good three violins
Brass zero
low average
good battery
Demos at:
If you want realistic sounds of brass: n NOT BUY this synth!
He excels in the organs, and synthesis. Attention to the output amplifier can be enormous. As soon as possible I put examples of sounds!
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Tech. sheet
- Manufacturer: Technics
- Model: SX-WSA1
- Category: Workstations
- Added in our database on: 04/10/2004
We have no technical specifications for this product
but your help will be much welcomed
Manuals and other files
Other categories in Electronic instrument
Other names: sx wsa1, sxwsa1, sx wsa 1