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Published on 12/19/04 at 09:46 (This content has been automatically translated from French)
Half rack Prsentation
It contains all the effects including aural exiter
All these are paramtrables ffects and ditables
There is a second MIDI Through using the output if the cable is connected to a host, and also benefitted from an adjustable audio.
MIDI connectors (in and out through), AUDIO, and To Host to directly attack a computer without using a MPU or other housing.
Simple configuration to route
the sound edition is available, but we must bone up the doc on the other hand there is a utility that works edition trs good, XG Gold, which is free, but in English.
When the manual should come back often, as there are many possibilities ...
It contains all the effects including aural exiter
All these are paramtrables ffects and ditables
There is a second MIDI Through using the output if the cable is connected to a host, and also benefitted from an adjustable audio.
MIDI connectors (in and out through), AUDIO, and To Host to directly attack a computer without using a MPU or other housing.
Simple configuration to route
the sound edition is available, but we must bone up the doc on the other hand there is a utility that works edition trs good, XG Gold, which is free, but in English.
When the manual should come back often, as there are many possibilities ...
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Half rack Prsentation
It contains all the effects including aural exiter
All these are paramtrables ffects and ditables
There is a second MIDI Through using the output if the cable is connected to a host, and also benefitted from an adjustable audio.
MIDI connectors (in and out through), AUDIO, and To Host to directly attack a computer without using a MPU or other housing.
Simple configuration to route
the sound edition is available, but we must bone up the doc on the other hand there is a utility that works edition trs good, XG Gold, which is free, but in English.
When the manual should come back often, as there are many possibilities ...
Trs sounds are happening everywhere like all expoandeur XG
sounds are ralistes and even some trs
the ffects are good
good expression, good sensitivity for a game sensitive
prfrs my sounds, guitars, organ, bass, ensembles
Used for over 5 years
MODEL I chose this for sound, effects
relative to other prices I've tried expanders (Brive I must say) did not seem to give me about the results soon.
excellent quality price ratio
If I had to re make the choice I would opt for model 80 with audio are among some on which we apply the internal effects.
It contains all the effects including aural exiter
All these are paramtrables ffects and ditables
There is a second MIDI Through using the output if the cable is connected to a host, and also benefitted from an adjustable audio.
MIDI connectors (in and out through), AUDIO, and To Host to directly attack a computer without using a MPU or other housing.
Simple configuration to route
the sound edition is available, but we must bone up the doc on the other hand there is a utility that works edition trs good, XG Gold, which is free, but in English.
When the manual should come back often, as there are many possibilities ...
Trs sounds are happening everywhere like all expoandeur XG
sounds are ralistes and even some trs
the ffects are good
good expression, good sensitivity for a game sensitive
prfrs my sounds, guitars, organ, bass, ensembles
Used for over 5 years
MODEL I chose this for sound, effects
relative to other prices I've tried expanders (Brive I must say) did not seem to give me about the results soon.
excellent quality price ratio
If I had to re make the choice I would opt for model 80 with audio are among some on which we apply the internal effects.
See less

Published on 03/31/09 at 06:08 (This content has been automatically translated from French)
Is this a MODEL Rack or "rack"?
Half rack, portable, ideal for rpetitions.
How many sounds, effects? What styles?
Classics XG + combinations, trs sound goes everywhere
Are ditables? Via a utility Mac / PC?
Editable sounds and simple ergonomics.
- What connection (Audio, MIDI ,...)?...
Midi and audio
Configuration gnrale Is it easy?
could not be more simple
The edition of sound effects or is it easy?
Yes very easy with the possibility of ACCS to play several sounds at the same time.
- The manual is clear and sufficient? ...
So intuitive that I've never used the manual.
The sounds they agree your style of music?
yes they are are going on...…
Half rack, portable, ideal for rpetitions.
How many sounds, effects? What styles?
Classics XG + combinations, trs sound goes everywhere
Are ditables? Via a utility Mac / PC?
Editable sounds and simple ergonomics.
- What connection (Audio, MIDI ,...)?...
Midi and audio
Configuration gnrale Is it easy?
could not be more simple
The edition of sound effects or is it easy?
Yes very easy with the possibility of ACCS to play several sounds at the same time.
- The manual is clear and sufficient? ...
So intuitive that I've never used the manual.
The sounds they agree your style of music?
yes they are are going on...…
Read more
Is this a MODEL Rack or "rack"?
Half rack, portable, ideal for rpetitions.
How many sounds, effects? What styles?
Classics XG + combinations, trs sound goes everywhere
Are ditables? Via a utility Mac / PC?
Editable sounds and simple ergonomics.
- What connection (Audio, MIDI ,...)?...
Midi and audio
Configuration gnrale Is it easy?
could not be more simple
The edition of sound effects or is it easy?
Yes very easy with the possibility of ACCS to play several sounds at the same time.
- The manual is clear and sufficient? ...
So intuitive that I've never used the manual.
The sounds they agree your style of music?
yes they are are going on everywhere, and it suits my expectations and trs well above my budget.
Are ralistes?
dpend this sounds like some guitars I do not like.
The effects are they effective and responsive?
yes not bad at all.
The expression is good? (Raction VLOC the aftertouch)?
What are the sounds you prfrez, you dtest? ...
Piano accordion, string ... not bad
How long have you use it?
7 years
What is the particular feature you like best and least?
+ simplicity on the lowest price for ... not much.
Exprience with, you will do again this choice? ...
with the budget of the era ... yes without hesitation.
Half rack, portable, ideal for rpetitions.
How many sounds, effects? What styles?
Classics XG + combinations, trs sound goes everywhere
Are ditables? Via a utility Mac / PC?
Editable sounds and simple ergonomics.
- What connection (Audio, MIDI ,...)?...
Midi and audio
Configuration gnrale Is it easy?
could not be more simple
The edition of sound effects or is it easy?
Yes very easy with the possibility of ACCS to play several sounds at the same time.
- The manual is clear and sufficient? ...
So intuitive that I've never used the manual.
The sounds they agree your style of music?
yes they are are going on everywhere, and it suits my expectations and trs well above my budget.
Are ralistes?
dpend this sounds like some guitars I do not like.
The effects are they effective and responsive?
yes not bad at all.
The expression is good? (Raction VLOC the aftertouch)?
What are the sounds you prfrez, you dtest? ...
Piano accordion, string ... not bad
How long have you use it?
7 years
What is the particular feature you like best and least?
+ simplicity on the lowest price for ... not much.
Exprience with, you will do again this choice? ...
with the budget of the era ... yes without hesitation.
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I want to replace the same, broken audio output
Published on 06/20/11 at 06:29 (This content has been automatically translated from French)127 sounds correct
Mode 2 and xg tg300b
accepts many control changes to mao
with MIDI and impeccable guitar controller g50
so easy without a manual
it's good for the budget
used for 10 years
simple machine good price performance ratio
Mode 2 and xg tg300b
accepts many control changes to mao
with MIDI and impeccable guitar controller g50
so easy without a manual
it's good for the budget
used for 10 years
simple machine good price performance ratio

Published on 06/27/11 at 03:26 (This content has been automatically translated from French)
- Device format 1 / 2 rack ... always a little break-up Racker mas there are inserts on the bottom ... Manir of all, this module is not what is most practical one scne.
- Operates under several modes including a performance mode and XG (adapted to include live), the other modes (TG300B and C / M) modes as compatibility with other MIDI devices from Yamaha ... Submitted which relatively little intrt given their spcificit. The XG mode as the most complete with the most sound and performance mode as a kind of XG to CRER own presets by sound of shuffled (layering), and save them in the machine ...
- The unit is equipped with the standard MIDI: in / or / thru, and a port "to host"...…
- Operates under several modes including a performance mode and XG (adapted to include live), the other modes (TG300B and C / M) modes as compatibility with other MIDI devices from Yamaha ... Submitted which relatively little intrt given their spcificit. The XG mode as the most complete with the most sound and performance mode as a kind of XG to CRER own presets by sound of shuffled (layering), and save them in the machine ...
- The unit is equipped with the standard MIDI: in / or / thru, and a port "to host"...…
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- Device format 1 / 2 rack ... always a little break-up Racker mas there are inserts on the bottom ... Manir of all, this module is not what is most practical one scne.
- Operates under several modes including a performance mode and XG (adapted to include live), the other modes (TG300B and C / M) modes as compatibility with other MIDI devices from Yamaha ... Submitted which relatively little intrt given their spcificit. The XG mode as the most complete with the most sound and performance mode as a kind of XG to CRER own presets by sound of shuffled (layering), and save them in the machine ...
- The unit is equipped with the standard MIDI: in / or / thru, and a port "to host" mini-din format to allow a connection on a computer port SERIES ...
note that the MU50 starts dating a bit and USB connections are not possible other than via a MIDI / USB standard.
- ... Manir all, even if there plthore publishers of XG (including XGwizard, XGedit, XGgold, etc ...) on PC that are compatible with the Yamaha MU SERIES ... the fact remains that these publishers are running Windows 98 ... see the best software for XP XGworks from Yamaha ... software trs complete and fully functional, in the process. I used only the software and my old MU50 for many years, including scne, and that copy of reliability.
It seems to me that Yamaha had made the effort to bring its editor as an XG extensions for Cubase 5.
More on publishers XG:
- The machine offers support for 16 MIDI channels with all the specific XG CHARACTERISTICS: ADSR envelope and EQ per channel, dparts effects in two multi-effects house, etc ...
- The Jack Audio Stereo between 6.35 mm was not useful particulire set apart from the fact of being shuffled to the audio output of the MU50 .. . Relva plutt of a hack than anything else ... while the MU80 allows a router to integrated effects if I remember correctly ...
- No possible extension of the MODEL.
- Configuration-General for the unit is affordable if only one is a little dgourdi with MIDI ... I personally beginners computer music with MU50 and I just pulled out hair beginners ... but ... like any good beginners how ...
... but the interface is ch ***... really ... it's bad ... the little green screen and the sub-sub-sub menus endless ... you get lost in the swells and beginners frankly, even with time ... Personally I find this device particulirement unproductive without XG editor.
- The editor Yamaha XG software (XGworks) is simple enough for those who can use a ADSR envelope, or even basic paramtres as portamento, transpositions, splits, etc ... and who can recognize the effects and use their paramtres ...
- The manual is pretty clear ... it explains the same as making cable "to host" (what a boring thing this mini-din connectors ...)... we regret that Yamaha did not opt for a more standard connector even when ...
- Perform silent mode, I got a little limited ... and the interface does not make it ugly particulirement enjoyable to use ... That said, I think that has remained the only way to have time to reasonable changes in patch ... the editor and liaison XG SERIES imposing a time limit of a few seconds of each load config: binding rather live ...
Personally I opt for the editor of scne XG MIDI merger with two keyboards and matre upstream of MU50 to "enlarge the playing surface," in order to more easily splitter: a allowed myself to use only one patch per song play ... so I free myself of this problem of load times since the editor ... but ... Systm this has its limits and is not suitable for people who dtestent splitage the keyboard ... (And there).
- Sounds are dsormais old enough ... even the owners of the old keyboards from Yamaha PSR ranges would not be ashamed of their sound library so those of MU50 sometimes kitsch ... That said, it works well for trs covers of songs of the 80 90 See, blow layering, you come out of the wonders of this machine. : P
Personally I worked with MU50 and a computer for 2 years for an orchestra of variation on and did the job ... Now ... we do - a lot - better today, it sr ...
- The silent MU50 gnrateur my first MIDI sound!
I do not regret at all for making this purchase the era (a time 200 euros - c'tait beginners to the euro around 1999 or 2000 ... I do not know very s well ...).
In any case, made from the power supply which had lch (and I saw for dpanner d) I have reconnatre the MU50, it's solid!
- Today, I used in my recording rack ... click for ... brief ... I do not serve any more as its main gnrateur in my configs ... Manir of all, with the arrival of plug-ins and software as live Mainstage, the MIDI sound gnrateurs MU50 lose as much as trs intrt ...
... That said, a good camera is a trs to get their teeth on the MIDI for beginners what ... Today we see so many musicians spend and technicians who can barely use this standard, however Submitted on almost all devices ... shame ...
- I have since seen a PSR8000, which served me many years to replacements in orchestras and as a variation on keyboard matre, I sold some time ago for buy a keyboard matre VMK88-over at Fatar / sutdiologic ...
And then I stopped to work for orchestras of variation on and I'm fairly quickly to pass "any computer" for my @ home uses ... with Reason 3 and 4 in rewire in Digital Performer, then I bought a suite Logic and Mainstage rpond dsormais all my needs, including scne.
... In short, that's how the manufacturers and the volumes from XGworks MU50 ... : D
- Operates under several modes including a performance mode and XG (adapted to include live), the other modes (TG300B and C / M) modes as compatibility with other MIDI devices from Yamaha ... Submitted which relatively little intrt given their spcificit. The XG mode as the most complete with the most sound and performance mode as a kind of XG to CRER own presets by sound of shuffled (layering), and save them in the machine ...
- The unit is equipped with the standard MIDI: in / or / thru, and a port "to host" mini-din format to allow a connection on a computer port SERIES ...
note that the MU50 starts dating a bit and USB connections are not possible other than via a MIDI / USB standard.
- ... Manir all, even if there plthore publishers of XG (including XGwizard, XGedit, XGgold, etc ...) on PC that are compatible with the Yamaha MU SERIES ... the fact remains that these publishers are running Windows 98 ... see the best software for XP XGworks from Yamaha ... software trs complete and fully functional, in the process. I used only the software and my old MU50 for many years, including scne, and that copy of reliability.
It seems to me that Yamaha had made the effort to bring its editor as an XG extensions for Cubase 5.
More on publishers XG:
- The machine offers support for 16 MIDI channels with all the specific XG CHARACTERISTICS: ADSR envelope and EQ per channel, dparts effects in two multi-effects house, etc ...
- The Jack Audio Stereo between 6.35 mm was not useful particulire set apart from the fact of being shuffled to the audio output of the MU50 .. . Relva plutt of a hack than anything else ... while the MU80 allows a router to integrated effects if I remember correctly ...
- No possible extension of the MODEL.
- Configuration-General for the unit is affordable if only one is a little dgourdi with MIDI ... I personally beginners computer music with MU50 and I just pulled out hair beginners ... but ... like any good beginners how ...

... but the interface is ch ***... really ... it's bad ... the little green screen and the sub-sub-sub menus endless ... you get lost in the swells and beginners frankly, even with time ... Personally I find this device particulirement unproductive without XG editor.
- The editor Yamaha XG software (XGworks) is simple enough for those who can use a ADSR envelope, or even basic paramtres as portamento, transpositions, splits, etc ... and who can recognize the effects and use their paramtres ...
- The manual is pretty clear ... it explains the same as making cable "to host" (what a boring thing this mini-din connectors ...)... we regret that Yamaha did not opt for a more standard connector even when ...
- Perform silent mode, I got a little limited ... and the interface does not make it ugly particulirement enjoyable to use ... That said, I think that has remained the only way to have time to reasonable changes in patch ... the editor and liaison XG SERIES imposing a time limit of a few seconds of each load config: binding rather live ...
Personally I opt for the editor of scne XG MIDI merger with two keyboards and matre upstream of MU50 to "enlarge the playing surface," in order to more easily splitter: a allowed myself to use only one patch per song play ... so I free myself of this problem of load times since the editor ... but ... Systm this has its limits and is not suitable for people who dtestent splitage the keyboard ... (And there).
- Sounds are dsormais old enough ... even the owners of the old keyboards from Yamaha PSR ranges would not be ashamed of their sound library so those of MU50 sometimes kitsch ... That said, it works well for trs covers of songs of the 80 90 See, blow layering, you come out of the wonders of this machine. : P
Personally I worked with MU50 and a computer for 2 years for an orchestra of variation on and did the job ... Now ... we do - a lot - better today, it sr ...
- The silent MU50 gnrateur my first MIDI sound!
I do not regret at all for making this purchase the era (a time 200 euros - c'tait beginners to the euro around 1999 or 2000 ... I do not know very s well ...).
In any case, made from the power supply which had lch (and I saw for dpanner d) I have reconnatre the MU50, it's solid!
- Today, I used in my recording rack ... click for ... brief ... I do not serve any more as its main gnrateur in my configs ... Manir of all, with the arrival of plug-ins and software as live Mainstage, the MIDI sound gnrateurs MU50 lose as much as trs intrt ...
... That said, a good camera is a trs to get their teeth on the MIDI for beginners what ... Today we see so many musicians spend and technicians who can barely use this standard, however Submitted on almost all devices ... shame ...
- I have since seen a PSR8000, which served me many years to replacements in orchestras and as a variation on keyboard matre, I sold some time ago for buy a keyboard matre VMK88-over at Fatar / sutdiologic ...
And then I stopped to work for orchestras of variation on and I'm fairly quickly to pass "any computer" for my @ home uses ... with Reason 3 and 4 in rewire in Digital Performer, then I bought a suite Logic and Mainstage rpond dsormais all my needs, including scne.
... In short, that's how the manufacturers and the volumes from XGworks MU50 ... : D
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Tech. sheet
- Manufacturer: Yamaha
- Model: MU50
- Series: MU
- Category: Sound Modules
- Added in our database on: 04/01/2002
We have no technical specifications for this product
but your help will be much welcomed
Other categories in Electronic instrument
Other names: mu50, mu 50