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Eminence Delta-12

All user reviews for the Eminence Delta-12

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  • raph.bassraph.bass

    Eminence Delta-12Published on 03/19/08 at 05:48
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    HP 12 "400W / 8 Ohms
    used with a bass amp in a box of pine homemade


    I use the HP in a baffle-up that I connect to my Ashdown combo on large scenes. The sound is good and what HP "cash" high-volume sound and delivers a big sound pressure. The sound is not too tinted, just slightly boosted in the midrange (as any 12 "I think).


    I use it for a year or so. It's a good speaker, but not exceptional, but that fills his role very well. It is a 1x12 cabinet "of good quality for 100EUR. Eminence site provides all the information needed to manufacture the housing. Excellent solution for anyone who needs an extra baffle quality without being a Croesus and m…
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    HP 12 "400W / 8 Ohms
    used with a bass amp in a box of pine homemade


    I use the HP in a baffle-up that I connect to my Ashdown combo on large scenes. The sound is good and what HP "cash" high-volume sound and delivers a big sound pressure. The sound is not too tinted, just slightly boosted in the midrange (as any 12 "I think).


    I use it for a year or so. It's a good speaker, but not exceptional, but that fills his role very well. It is a 1x12 cabinet "of good quality for 100EUR. Eminence site provides all the information needed to manufacture the housing. Excellent solution for anyone who needs an extra baffle quality without being a Croesus and minimum handyman.

    PS: I put 10 because for 100EUR was the equivalent of what is being done to 300EUR in trade but it is obvious that it's not worth a ashdown, ampeg a mesa or other ...
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