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Gemini DJ PMX-03
Gemini DJ PMX-03
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gustufluch gustufluch
Published on 11/25/06 at 01:18
Seeing a number of request for an opinion and having an increase GEMINI PMX-05!! (Note this is not the one asked in the notice but it looks like a lot)

My opinion on this table is quite mixed, even in the design of the table, the positioning of the knobs in a triangular (severe acute medium) seems to me a choice bizard (even if you get used to) because not intuitive with respect to a linear arrangement. In terms of my table, there is no master PFL (if support for 3 seconds remaining on a BONTON the table has effect ....: s act far too long to do to be used .. . which I think is not present on the PMX-03). Last little negative criticism at the PFL button crossfader I find misplaced ...

But despite all these faults (I confess to be an undemanding and titillate lol), a table is very correct.

Compare this with my second mixing desk (DMX GEMINI 06), for me there is no photo, I prefer the GEMINI. But this remains a matter of taste and feeling ... and means;)


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