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< All Nameofsound 2x12 Black Warrior Vertical reviews
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Nameofsound 2x12 Black Warrior Vertical
Nameofsound 2x12 Black Warrior Vertical
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aliascross aliascross
Published on 07/31/06 at 14:08
I use this cabinet in September 2005.
I test with the following configurations of HP:
Classic V30 + lead, + G12H30 V30, V30 + G12H100, G12H30 Classic + lead + and G12H30 G12H100
Finally, my choice was stopped the following configuration: V30 G12H30/G12H100 top and bottom.
The V30 allows for a clear sound quality and G12H * adds punch to saturation (the v30 too poor as my gotl above)

<ul> - A perfect finish! (Tolex extremely well painted everything is possible (even the indoor!), Wood pais ...)
- A clear and his prcis no "cracking" is heard.
- Cables good quality welded directly to HPs without contacts intermdiaires Stereo mode and through the contacts of one of the jack in mono.
- Retractable wheels
- A reasonable weight. </ul> The - (small -...)
<ul> - We have a little trouble dplacer the baffle when he has a little weight on it (60kg) ... may be the wheels ...
- Jack of quality standard and no more.
Anyway ... trs trs a good speaker, and even some of APRS, better than the VHT! even when!