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Gemini DJ UMX-SE
Gemini DJ UMX-SE
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tonioux tonioux
Published on 08/28/10 at 12:01
it is well equipped from what I remember (level connections there really all you need for a 3-way


Simple config


I was surprised by the power of sound, it's clean you can push in the red it sounds good, it is precise. Domage there have not kill ...


When I received the table I was bleuffé by its finish! I compared with my Ecler Nuo 3 aesthetically there's no picture ... you should know that on this table we can install the crossfader Vestax pmc7 the pro! and there I guarantee you it's better than ECLER (well, I prefer to cross eternal is a matter of taste).

Brief unbeatable value for money in my opinion, with a 3-way cross Vestax is hard to beat and I bleuffé many who are repelled by Gemini (it's true that this brand has made dung ...) but really this is one of the best table in my brand.

roughly the +: - possible installation of a cross or PCV Vestax PMC
- Sound Quality
- Beauty / strength components
- The interface is very nice! it has space around the cross
- The ground adapter!! Finally, a table or there is no hum!

Cons: - No Kill
- The fader Geminis (the change of direct Vestax)
- Preview headphone if I remember correctly was not practical with mini cross the channel to switch between ...