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BST MRT-90 pro
BST MRT-90 pro
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Luke52 Luke52
Published on 07/16/09 at 09:55
Is rack? Yes!
What type of connectors (RCA Jack, XLR ...)? RCA Jack / XLR mics!
The parametric equalizer is it? Yes, a little 5-band EQ that was going down anyway then at 60 Hz it was not bad!

2 auto-starts phono!


The general configuration is simple? Yes it is rather simple and easy to use!
The usual functions are they easily accessible? Yes it is correct!


The console is transparent? Yes but it starts right now tired, she has a very great age!
She introduced the breath? Just a little phono ...
The equalizer is it effective? Yes ... for a rather small sound system there's nothing to say!


For how long have you been using it? I recovered from a former local radio but it still gives good not evil!
What thing do you like most/least about it? Most: Rackable, simple, two-car starts and superb VU meter needle which unfortunately are almost more about this style of stuff! The least: very heavy and especially the connection is done below, so if it does not fly it in a rather inconvenient!
Did you try many other models before getting this one? TSB Atlanta had a 4 and a side is much better anyway!

As the Internet before, now she is really obsolete and should do well laugh new techno DJ's for a small but personal use is a true gem! But I have much the same as in the photo and saw her good summary is almost the same as hers!