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Rodec MX300MK3
Rodec MX300MK3
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Published on 11/05/06 at 06:26
Rackable 19 "
with lots of connection options aside from not having the rub of connections between jacks .. only rca and xlr .. but it is dedicated to use djaing can not blame him ..

equalizer very specific, rather simple but funny .. I loved the effective presence of kill switch (use breakbeat mix ..)

table no-frills fun .... that's what I was looking for .. it's not the big gadget combo with Integrated fxs .. I think it's analog


Very easy to use .. I use it as a mixer for my decks .. and for the production (using console), I will wire the waveform of my modular very soon

the manual is very clear .. french


A monster simply, I plug an md on the master 2, the audio sounds on my monitors (s3 adam)

the mixtapes are as pure as ever, a good sound never heard before ..
say that infrasound is apparently erased at the vca through the subsonic filter

clarity and dynamic ranges that can also be isolated directly

no breath, the gain is quite dramatic with me ... I'm 1 / 3 of the meter and ca very very nasty bumps without


+...... The design ... the nuts below the knobs fuse block ...
Meter .... crazy ... hand made ... .. the puisance

why the no-kill swicth .. in the minds of pfl buttons?

I tried 3 / 4 models in the past ... we do not at all in the same range,
nothing to do

with the experience .. I would take a scratch box .. in parallel to align a third story deck to scratch .. +
.. I am looking for another dedicated to scratch mix

the price is what it is .. but .. ca production means low .. etc. .. clarity.