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Miditech Midistart-3
Miditech Midistart-3
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Bialou Bialou

« good for a computer music beginner »

Published on 09/06/10 at 07:07
Audience: Beginners
Sensitive keys
USB power supply via USB
PSU MIDI but not supplied
I wanted to be able to control my software for computer music (samplitude music studio 2008 version) and if one is not too demanding, it's worth it.


Quite nice but the touch sensitivity is not on top, unless one can adjust, but well ... I do not know how it's done.
Manual almost useless ... you plug in USB, it selects the appropriate dialog box, and presto you're done ...


I use it for 1 year and it provides me with a &nbsp;good service to record my bass lines and drums.
I did not try something else ...
Touch is difficult to master if you want to qualify properly.
Value for money: recommended for small budgets like mine ...
I think that I would opt for the version with knobs and pulls for DAW control, but hey I do not regret it anyway