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Elypse Guitars Yanca Deluxe
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aerialdrunker aerialdrunker

«  A very pleasant surprise ... »

Published on 12/16/10 at 08:35
Guitar manufactured in Asia. Mahogany body and neck. Solid cedar. Rosewood. B-Band preamp A3T (tuner)

I put an 8 Nothing for the solid cedar. It would have been more with mechanical brand ... (greedy yes ..)


Channel pleasant. Having played on takamine ibanez yamaha Cort, I have a slight preference for this guitar I find it less tiring for my left wrist. It's very personal but the position of my thumb is now flawless on this set. A try anything ...

Whether standing, sitting or even lying (yes ...) I take a lot of fun to play on this guitar. Its weight gives the impression of strength without unbalancing the instrument so far. Yance The deluxe has a cutaway so for the most skillful of you do not worry, you can rub shoulders with acute ...

I put 8 because apart from one fret polishing (necessary? Hmm .. a little greedy ...) I found fun to play from the start. So


sounds .... I play a bit of everything. Rather folk pop rock. I am very satisfied with this guitar. Roundness in the bass, treble present but not slam. (This is often criticized in this price range, I made the marks mentioned above ...) The strings were changed on a polishing frets (under warranty, I am not embarrassed ... hehe) I put ernieball earthwood light, it changes really these m *** Daddario home of lol ... Hype or not, it sounds really good. Much heat, precision. short and enjoyable to play along.

I put 9 for a guitar under 400 euros. then I have not tried or even heard. But in this price range you not tell me that my guitar sounds like a shovel ...


This guitar was given to me by my wife for my 30piges .. When I saw the mark Elypse, I do not tell my face ... My wife immediately said I could try the one I wanted in store and I could take the one I wanted even without adding 50euros problem ... I took my time .. I tried .... still trying ... and I had the knot in the stomach, saying the commercial: "bein ... I keep my guitar ..." At the game fun, sounds (although I still had not changed the strings), I was very pleased and I think it exceeds its competitors in many ways. The finishes are by appointment, I had nothing to complain about since the 3 months of use. I expect to see the evolution of wood, but honestly, I am very pleased with this guitar.Pour the price and even fines in 400roros, I could not find anything better, at least nothing that matches what I was looking for: beautiful sound plugged in or unplugged, the roundness of the presence for the serious, the lens in the treble without slamming the side that breaks my ears. I remake this choice and I recommend to all detractors of the brand to try this guitar. For a budget of 300 euros, you really take it seriously.

8 / 10 because I love this guitar despite myself. I do not like this brand. But I do abdicated the pleasures (yes yes .. plural)

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