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Gibson Dove Modern Classic
Gibson Dove Modern Classic

Acoustic-electric Folk/Western guitar from Gibson

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charlotounga charlotounga
Published on 11/14/08 at 09:46
Manufacturing baseman, Montana, nine U.S. price: 2600 €
20 squares landmarks double trapezoidal, inside a piezoelectric bi band I think, with gain adjustment knob very discrete on the rosette
in the woods: Sitka for the table (solid spruce) and AAA flamed maple for the back, ribs and neck, rosewood in touch if I say anything stupid, like bridge with mother of pearl inlay colopmbes (hence the name dove), also inlaid in pickgard painting "cherry" on all (except the table of course)
nitrocellulose varnish ultrathin a regal
I put 9 because everything is top, but the look of the guitar is a little too feminine for my taste (color + birds) and not much going on everywhere, it is among other guitar fetish KT Tunstall, and more pins ( stuff like that the strings on the bridge) are cheap plastic, and a scratch at this price, it's a scandal (like the nut)


Channel qd super nice guitar is setup and mine has changed a lot the first time ...
The access to treble is like on all types of guitars dreadnought, the bridge is very high, so, I had to do demeaning to top, ropes were too far apart there is a ca comfortable enough above easily, and get a good sound is not easy or fashionable: the piezo is the simplest in the world to use, the battery was inside at the junction of the neck and body
The hard case is zero: super cheap compared to brands like Taylor, she also feels bad because super glues used, and even the guitar is infused with the smell ... Ya marked above wholesale "Gibson USA" like that you show to everyone that there is a beast of a guitar inside may be to encourage the thieves?
In short, what is kidding-this was the price?


So here we finally come: Malagasy comfort "normal" or not top on account of the strings off the handle when it is set wrong, despite a strange look, despite a box that stinks, let me tell you it's a killer !!!!! The spectrum of this instrument is phenomenal jumbo bass (rare on an acoustic guitar) hypermarkets warm mids, treble this but a little round (depending upon the brand of strings that you have chosen), is to fall short the ground! In comparison I tried: the taylor gs 600, etc. .. the 814ce Martin D28, HD28, etc. ... and other hummingbird gibson, lee lou harris, J200, song writer deluxe etc ... and she explodes all by far! is the folk guitar in all its splendor: projection ultra powerful, ultra sound warm and deep
To wit the format Dreadnought oddly projecting more than any other the same jumbo large auditorium Gran symphony etc. ... Why? I dunno but there is no photo
This guitar when you stir toues strings (with a pick) is phenomenal in picking etc. is less for this, even she is doing all the same hands down
Important point: Choose your meticulously strings, "Gibson" sound have to fall to the ground but do not last long, the elixir is less flattering in the bass guitar and make the very brilliant but not bad in my opinion this guitar was just huge bass, rebalancing the AC a bit, I have not tried other brands apart martin is a real crap, but would find the sound of Gibson, and the brightness and lifetime of elixir, I'm looking ...
For part electro: the piezo is super loyal, so a lot of bass, but it sounds a hell of stroke is also very dynamic and respects his guitar in an ID or a good amp is top, Attention block the pain rose high volume of feedback has


I use it for 3 months
the +: SOUND!! comfort, and versatility (both incredible that electro sound which is super rare)
The -: ETUI, he must love the look but you get used, plastic parts
I tried all brands recess, but the ultimate in luxury there are only 3 brands: martin, taylor, gibson forget the rest!
This guitar is in my opinion the perfect guitar for home studio or for pleasure, because the sound is fatal ... on the other hand on stage I would be better with a taylor becaufe more comfort, better looks and damned without piezo Larsen unstoppable in addition to real and solid carrying case for ...
But in the studio: can not find better sound in my humble opinion, is static with a good slap in full, the acoustic sound in all its splendor
With the experience I would do this choice even if you do not buy a guitar at this price the everyday (2600 euros I remember), I bought it with my ears and not with my eyes ...
This guitar does not even ring a year and already more enormous, so what it's gonna be in 10 or 15 years!