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Yamaha F-340
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Elias de Kelewich Elias de Kelewich
Published on 08/01/06 at 06:55
- Made in Indonesia: the finish is of good quality, the varnish a little drool at the junction of the handle but nothing too serious

- For more details:


- The handle is nice, not too thick, the action is very good.
- Concerning access to acute: there is no slant as often in this kind of guitar ... if someone comes to play beyond the 12th fret that make me a sign :-)


- Sound is completely honest in agreements: While lacking some serious and media predominate but often there is also the case of instruments of this price
- Arpeggios in the sound is muffled, the attack must be more open, including picking. Fair use in this ... a shame


I use it for a month. I was looking for a cheap acoustic to carry around everywhere. I paid 160 euros and for that price I do not regret my purchase: it is quite playable, perfect for a beginner, who will find this an affordable decent sounding and will not break the fingers of one action 3km from the sleeve. Yamaha instrument delivers a quality / price ratio unstoppable.