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Belmore Upright Grand
Belmore Upright Grand
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Published on 12/02/10 at 12:20
Belmore’s Upright Grand piano is an awesome upright acoustic piano which I’ve got experience using in the recording studio. The studio that I work at has one of these to compliment our Yamaha grand acoustic piano, giving use two acoustic pianos with very contrasting sounds to work with. The Belmore Upright Grand is one of the coolest sounding upright pianos that I’ve recorded with, as it’s perfect for getting that honkey tonk sort of piano sound. The piano has a full set of 88 keys and standard sustain and dampening foot pedals. I don’t know much more backing information on this piano, as they seem to be somewhat few and far between. The front panel that usually cases the strings and hammers was taken off of the particular piano that we have at the studio, making it really easy to get up close and personal on the piano’s hammers in terms of micing. The result is a perfect ragtime piano sound that isn’t really possible with our acoustic grand piano. I’m not sure on the year(s) that this piano was made, but it definitely seems to be on the older side. I really love recording with this piano as it’s a lot of fun to try new mic’ing techniques and to try out different microphones to get different sort of piano sounds. For instance, you can get some pretty contrasting sounds if you put some sensitive condensers right up on the hammers as opposed to putting some less sensitive mics a few feet away from the hammers. It’s definitely huge that the front panel is off, so if you have this piano and are using it in a recording studio setting, this is definitely something that I’d recommend doing. I think it would be pretty hard to seek out a Belmore Upright Grand of your own, but if you ever go to a studio that has one (like mine!) definitely take advantage of using it!