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Published on 10/02/03 at 13:01
Test Nearfield studio classical music, pop / rock voice and home cinma
Comparison with Far PEAK6, Genelec 1031, Adams V22, KRK V8, FAR AV8
Acute trsdfini
mdium fluid and soft
low: we feel the bass, it only needs the sub acute in some uses. A sub-bass is almost superfluous. A real descent into the grave despite its small size
I test the AV-6 in multiple configurations cinma home, studio monitoring voice and music.
In a word, as in 100, I conquered. I had the opportunity to conparer his great ERRF the AV-8, but nothing.
Finally, I bought four pairs to put in the studio we have Mt.
Comparison with Far PEAK6, Genelec 1031, Adams V22, KRK V8, FAR AV8
Acute trsdfini
mdium fluid and soft
low: we feel the bass, it only needs the sub acute in some uses. A sub-bass is almost superfluous. A real descent into the grave despite its small size
I test the AV-6 in multiple configurations cinma home, studio monitoring voice and music.
In a word, as in 100, I conquered. I had the opportunity to conparer his great ERRF the AV-8, but nothing.
Finally, I bought four pairs to put in the studio we have Mt.