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NHT M 20
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HipipHop HipipHop
Published on 03/02/12 at 08:38
Value For Money : Excellent
-What characteristics have motivated your choice?
No events, passive monitoring with dedicated amplifier.

-For what purpose?
Mix and mastering (where I discovered its potential for a studio session master at La Source Mastering)

-Which amp?
NHT amps come with. Which also offers through two knobs, the set of bandswitch depending on the location of monitoring in the listening room (middle distance, angle etc ...) and the distance between monitorings and "engineers" (1m , 1.5, 2m etc ...)


-The frequency curve is sufficiently neutral?

More neutral you die! For sources with very low, it is essential to the sub. I sold my Genelec 8042 for these monitorings and I have absolutely no regrets.

-The dynamics are respected? ...


-The stereo image is good?
A condition, like any good monitoring, to have a careful placement of the monitor system.

-The sound is clear and precise across the spectrum?
Yes, except at the bottom. Do not be lured with 6.5-inch woofers.


-How long you use it?
I have used them for 2 years.

-Did you tried many other models before buying it?
Yes, Adam Series A (not safe for the series), Dynaudio, Genelec 1031/8042, Alesis M1mk2 ....

-What is so special that you love the most, least?
the +: - The accuracy of the stereo / Mediums really accurate / no vents that often distort the game in the bottom of the spectrum / Ca for potato plays a little more muscular ...

the -: Difficult to work the mix of urban music eg. without a sub (which earned him the skin of a smurf)

-How would you rate the quality / price?
Excellent, everything depends on the talents of negotiations. I heard the price ^ ^

-With experience, you do again this choice?
Without hesitation! If I am separated, is that I stopped my activity.