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tres molo
Published on 09/03/08 at 00:42
Use home studio classic
sound card tascam 1804
See global opinion
I use them for a year or so and I found a marked reduction to listen and then a left-right imbalance. As seen in the opinions on these monitors I recommend plugging in RCA (I was xlr) with good cables and like me you will be amazed with the results!! I thought my cables were of good quality but the bases of the monitors may be cause.Depuis I (finally) happy.
sound card tascam 1804
See global opinion
I use them for a year or so and I found a marked reduction to listen and then a left-right imbalance. As seen in the opinions on these monitors I recommend plugging in RCA (I was xlr) with good cables and like me you will be amazed with the results!! I thought my cables were of good quality but the bases of the monitors may be cause.Depuis I (finally) happy.