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Prodipe Pro 5
Prodipe Pro 5
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aermec aermec
Published on 03/20/07 at 18:50
Good sound / size / price / aesthetics (but I know not much)
- For what purpose? Listen on pc, because a little better than PC speakers.
After two days, the blue LED in the rear does not light up, I decided to open (Tampa for the guarantee) and I see the heatsink of the amp warm in the most fibre.De it dissipates heat in the enclosure as there is almost no thermal bridging with the metal rear cover to release heat to the outside ....?? very good to have electronic problems although The TDA2052 is normally protégé.J have turned the fiber Tampa for the amortization and anyway cest not too serious about these small speakers for the back of the HP wave is broken by irregularitées created by the printed circuit .... .......


Speakers who owns one of his good Qualities (more hi-fi monitor) The cut is slightly subsonic bass (45Hz) which creates a lag in the low end because this small even at 50Hz speaker does not have enough ... more energy (speed of sound m / s) = 6.6 meters from 330/50Hz declined to hear a frank without the reverberation sound ....... Small box at around 120HZ not too serious , soundstage quite well respected (in relation to the size of the speakers of course) mid / high fatigent not that ... basically good record.


I do peus say more because it'm just 5 days that I have (running) to € 299 if they are in time is really a deal but if they let go after a year doing his chero.A see