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Prodipe Pro Ribbon 8
Prodipe Pro Ribbon 8
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trazom trazom
Published on 05/20/09 at 08:28
- Speakers purchased for the monitoring (composition and mixing, gnralement in hip-hop), and branches on a PC config (all software).
- Purchased for their little sisters reputable (Prodipe pro 8), and relying more arguments in favor of ribbon tweeters and a few articles logieux, because of their global CHARACTERISTICS and price . (Find new 400 pair)


- Stereo Trs good image, provided they are placed correctly
- Relatively neutral curve frequency drives (ear, for what is a) no frquence n'crase others.
- The dynamic compliance.
- The bass is lgrement down (below 60 Hz).
- The highs are clear, but the sound is not cold.


I use them for a month. I think I could not esprer better for the price. These are my Premire monitoring speakers, I so sorely lacks exprience to compare. However, the mixes with raliss Prodipe sound good then, when I costs elsewhere. I owe everything to even try to monitor the mix of low, remembering that these speakers tend to rduire.