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RCF 4PRO 8003-AS
RCF 4PRO 8003-AS

Active subwoofer from RCF belonging to the 4PRO series

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«  Worthy Brand »

Published on 11/03/13 at 12:15
How long have you use it:

-1month (are running is complete)

Have you tried many other models before buying it?

YES of martin S15, RCF 705AS. 905 AS

What is the particular feature you like best and least?

this range of box for me is reserved for outdoor use

Weight it still good indeed for a 46 that's okay
-Reserved only for outdoor performance (otherwise the comeback is just unbearable)
- Very large (I have a touran I can just get the 715 and the 8003 governance CDJ fly (it can be to get an idea)

- Low just beautiful fortunately I opt for 715 otherwise for 3 SERIES forget now because it covers many

-Very nice finish (I recommend you take the cover one hundred euro is not much to protect this jewelry: neck, rain, transport, etc.)

On-one things is it does not clip believe me not like some of the rcf range BUT dsp still protects (I recommend not to start the Link Over button as anything out there is filtered 80 OR 120 HZ ....)

How would you rate the quality / price? With experience, you do again this choice? ...

- Yes without hesitate for outdoor use is a beast that just needs to be delivered them and show his rage
I have two type of a box 8003 (the second coming soon)
a pair of 905 (use only for indoor room of 200 m2 approx .. because have can not say how many people it covers the whole area is that this calculation and not fork out a lot to kind of argument to return it produced excellent but must determine, for your use I advise you to rent ca ... 60th it's still better than buying and then realize it is not appropriate to wait for its many people that I could rub are spend on a 905 or another brand but still 38 or less.
THE 46's for me reserved for big box space, outdoors
possibly in a room with a large surface area for the same remote station to return to the 3 million below what many feel

I hope it helped you to have

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