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Akai Professional APC40 - moosers's review
The Akai APC40 is a unique MIDI controller that's designed for use with Ableton Live. Ableton is a DAW that's becoming more and more popular and for good reason as it's really intuitive and easy to …
Akai Professional APC40 - neii's review
translatedI use the APC for 3 months. Prior has had the Korg Nano, no report! PCA is very robust, works flawlessly and does everything asked of him. Obviously, it does not make it CIF Live pilot point (so the…
Akai Professional APC20 - " Without regret"
translatedI use the APC20 past two weeks. I dreaded having to take time to understand how to use the Controller who seemed relatively obscure when I saw him. Yet the opposite: very fast April APC20 has a chi…