1,407 videos
Tutorial: putting sounds in an mpc3000
Making Beat On Mpc 3000
MPC 3000 "what manual??" sample chop zone tutorial
Akai MPC 3000 - baby steps
How To Chop Samples On The Mpc 3000
Mpc 3000 Vailixi Chopping Tutorial
Mpc 4000 - Live Demonstration
Mpc 4000 Asian Sample Flip By The Arkyve
Akai Mpc 4000: Making A Boom Sound (Sub Bass)
Akai Mpc 4000 Pads / Pad Sensors / Buttons Instal…
Smooth Beat On My Mpc 4000
Nafis Making Beat With Mpc 4000
MPC 4000
Mpc 4000, More details
Akai Mpc 4000 And S3200Xl House Track
Mpc Sessions Part 1: Chops Edition - The Ologist…
Mpc Sessions Part 3: Coolout Edition - The Ologis…
Mpc Sessions Part 5: Hoodies N Timbs Edition - Th…
akai mpc 4000 12/19/2012
Moses Roper Akai Mpc 4000 "Let Me Remind You"
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