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Behringer Eurorack MX602A
Behringer Eurorack MX602A

Analog Mixer from Behringer belonging to the Eurorack series

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Skaya00 Skaya00
Published on 02/01/04 at 06:32
This table is not rack, connect the RCA jack and used Xlr (for micro)
no effects section is included in this small console that I recommend to beginners,


ULTRA simple config I never had before this one table and 5min to install correctly,
Never open the manual


It introduces a little breath recording, for the equalizer can not be used against it completely messed it up!


I use it for 1year, the motivation of my purchase price as its recess t restrinct the sound ki comes out, but she still has her cot practice, preamps (not super at all) but helps out very well over the 48v phantom power supply is present but the result is poor,
the RAPORT qualitprix is ​​very good, and with the experience I remake this choice