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[AESORG] AES introduces its new Matrix2

SSL will launch in December the new version of its Matrix analog mixing console.

The SSL Matrix is now 5 years old, it was time for the manufacturer to upgrade it in order to include the latest digital technology.

The Matrix2 architecture remains the same as the first generation, with its 16 channels, its DAW surface control, is software-controlled matrix, but upon user request, the software control has been enhanced.

The new interface allows for direct load of insert hardware devices (an operation previously done via the software Browser), processing signal chains building and A/B comparisons.

The Remote Browser was also revamped and now allows for loading processors and building signal chains via drag and drop.

Also new is a “Fader Linking” feature for grouping two or more faders, for stereo or 5.1 control and sub-group mix.

The console is now equipped with the A-FADA (Analogue Fader Accesses DAW Automation) summing system, a feature already included in the Duality, AWS and Sigma Rack devices. This feature allows for Matrix2 analogue faders to be driven by the DAW automation data.

Other enhancements include the ability to save and import parts of the setup of the console as templates, the addition of an “Automatic dB Readout” feature for Pro Tools (allows for displaying faders), a “Press and Hold” feature for Cubase/Nuendo, as well as new templates for Studio One and Ableton Live.

All these new functions will be available as a new free upgrade for existing users.

Last, the optional 5.1 output card will now be included as standard in this new version.

The SSL Matrix 2 will be available in December with a suggested price of 18 487€ excl. VAT. More info at www.solid-state-logic.com.

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