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< All TL Audio Fat Track - Tube Production Suite reviews
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TL Audio Fat Track - Tube Production Suite
TL Audio Fat Track - Tube Production Suite
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saucisson saucisson
Published on 10/04/13 at 05:35
Everything has been said.
On connectors is a little complex at first but it's actually very cool with all these outputs can connect two systems look ...


The manual explains things but not everything. To register with preamps is simple. But you can also make a mix in and use the inserts. We can also make the summation with stereo inputs A, B, C, D and use the eq more inserts Units 1 & 2 (for a compressor for example) on the master, so it's pretty cool.


Question sound is very nice for those who had doubts about the quality of the preamps, I have SPL, the Ivory series and Joemeek and it is finer in my opinion. Not so colorful it except when you begin to grow well gain. After I do not know if this is as good as the blue brand series but for me it's cool. The eq is nice without being either extreme as a Twin q, but it does its job. No breath.


For a long time I did that served slices of consoles I could not have in his summation, I have long believed that I did not know how ... But right after I found out on forums that were defective models (those with letters like mine) and I was not dumber than average. And recently I found a lamp seemed not turn, I opened my fat track and replaced the lamp in question, it works nickel! (If it can help some). This machine has become the center of my home studio. From what I've read here and there tl audio would put the key in the door, it's a shame but some branded products may become collectors and maybe even the fat track ...