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Eowave Domino Released

Eowave is now shipping the Domino, an analogue synthesizer with a VCO in the tradition of MS20 and TB303.

The VCO, filter & VCA are transistor made. This transistor architecture gives Domino a raw sound. The VCO offers a mix between sawtooth and square. Pulsewidth can be modulated by the LFO. The filter is a 24dB resonant filter. The analogue envelope range is from 1ms to 10s with attack, decay, sustain/release. The LFO has 8 different waveforms. On waveform 8, the modulation wheel can replace the LFO. MIDI CC 8 to 16 can transform the LFO in a sequencer to modulate pitch, pulsewidth, filter cutoff.


The VCA can be modulated by a gate or by an envelope. In the legato mode, playing notes will generate glide between two notes. The glide time can be edited via MIDI CC. A few more features were added like an arpeggiator and an accent recognition capability: all velocity values above 100 are recognized as an accent.


Domino Features:

  • 1 Analog oscillator from saw to square with tune and mix.
  • LFO modulation.
  • Pulsewidth modulation.
  • 24 dB resonant filter.
  • Envelope modulation and LFO modulation of the filter.
  • LFO with Speed and Type parameters.
  • LFO syncable to MIDI clock.
  • Envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain.
  • Analog VCA.
  • Env / gate switch.
  • Arpeggiator.
  • Direct access to all parameters.
  • Connections: MIDI In, Audio Out, Ext power supply, Audio In.
  • Size (in cm): 18.5 × 12 × 5.5.


Pricing & Availability:

The Domino is available to purchase for 250 EUR excl. VAT.


More information: Eowave

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