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Oberheim SEM Pro
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marsupio37 marsupio37

«  Fabulous machine's efficient! »

Published on 03/30/11 at 04:13
Just look at the front of the camera:

- 2 oscillators saw and square (with PWM) with sync frequency adjustment (height) and fine tune for each of them
- 2 envelopes Attack, Decay / Release, Sustain, ENV1 for oscillator 1 and oscillator 2 for env2 and filter
- 1 LFO to a single waveform: sinusoidal assignable to the filter and / or oscillators,
- 1 filter Multi-mode resonant 12dB whose characteristic is the ability to pass as a mix of low-pass filte filter high-pass (notch). The bandpass is selected by button switches.

Part Midi / CV offers the following possibilities:
- Select the channel noon
- Setting the tone of the semi-pitchbend,
- Select the game mode that is to say low-grade, high grade latest first note
- Have a small matrix with as sources, velocity, aftertouch and a controller (one selectable) and a destination VCO1 frequency and / or VCO2, the filter and the VCA (the three can be selected same time)
- The setting of transposition, portamento and Audio Assembled

As for the connections it is very complete since in addition to providing the midi in, midi thru Gate out, out CV1, CV2 out, Audio in 1, 2 Audio in, the module has 21 connections for each jack 3.5mm section (VCO1, VCO2, VCF, LFO, VCA and Envelope).

All these connections allow the module to have an open architecture, therefore, more opportunities and therefore fall within the category of semi-modular.

The only negative point that I came across is that it has no full ADSR envelopes and memory.


Regarding its use, it is very easy, 1 = 1 function button, but it is of course still need a minium of knowledge base.


The sound of the oscillators is fabulous, bold and punchy, the sync of the VCO is very effective, aggressive and sharp and the filter is magnificent. In low-pass filter, when the resonance is pushed forward, the sound is crystalline, shrill, strident but still very musical, nothing to do with the typed Moog filters (24dB).
Designed for leads, basses and effects of all kinds.


I've had a few days and I am very satisfied. The knobs are generally of good quality (no games), and the sound that comes from this machine is really very good. The module is completed perfectly with a Moog LP, Mono Evolver and others ...
Regarding the price, I find it quite justified despite the absence of memory, but if you compare it to other modules (Dark Energy, Semblance, Telemark, Red Square, Future Retro XS ...) I think it will find its place without difficulty.
Try it, listen and buy (if possible) without moderation!