3,753 videos
Build A Hybrid Buchla Easel (1) - 每日模組合成器 …
Return (Ambient Drone Exploration—Acoustic Guitar…
Buchla Music Easel - Been Awhile
Buchla 208, Triple Sequential Voltage Source Expa…
Buchla Easel & Soma Pulsar-23 Time-Lapse Blast Of…
Buchla Music Easel (experimental) improvisation
The Buchla Easel Command 208C In 29 Minutes
Prophet Rev2 Review/Demo (no talking) - playing t…
Prophet Rev2 Review/Demo (no talking) - playing t…
Tout ça dans une si petite boite ?
Roland JX-3P sequencer | tips and tricks
Uno Synth Pro X Paraphonic Dual Filter Analog Syn…
Van Halen's 1984 & Jump Covered On Oberheim Ob-8
Why I Love The Oberheim Ob-X8
Oberheim OB-X8 : un synthé haut de gamme à 5300€
Lush Oberheim Ob-X8 + Strymon Soundscapes
Roland Sh-101: Is It Worth It?
90S Roland Sh101 Analog Synthesizer Demo
World's Greatest Mono Synth: Roland Sh-101
Roland Sh 101 / Volca Beats - Minimal Bass (Love)
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