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Roland MC-202 Hack

MC-202 Hack version 2 is a software application designed to interact with the Roland MC-202 analog hardware synthesizer.

Version 1 of the software (originally released in 1997) allowed users to convert MIDI files into WAV audio files that could be loaded into the cassette input port of the MC-202 to program either or both of its internal sequencers.

Version 2 of MC-202 Hack now extends the concept to allow you to “go the other direction” as well – from an MC-202's sequence(s) to a MIDI file (either using stored MC-202 cassette output files, or in real-time from the MC-202).

You can also now edit sequences directly within MC-202 Hack v2, and preview them using either a built in softsynth that emulates the sound of the MC-202 (complete with controllable parameters), or via MIDI, using either General MIDI instruments or any other MIDI-enabled software or hardware instrument, according to the designers.


  • Application overhaul from v1.0
  • Go from mc-202 sequence on your synth to a MIDI file
  • Go from a MIDI file to an mc-202 sequence
  • Edit mc-202 sequences in the software, not on your mc-202's little screen
  • Copy patterns between internal and external mc-202 sequences
  • Preview sequences with built in mc-202-like softsynth, GM synth, or MIDI device
  • Save visual mc-202 “snapshots” of front panel synth settings
  • Exchange mc-202 patch “snapshots” using easily shareable text files
  • Calibrate the program to your specific MC-202

Check out the product page: www.defectiverecords.com/mc202hack/index2.html

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