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November 1, 2014 editorial: comments

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Topic November 1, 2014 editorial: comments

The $600 Cup of Coffee

“Arrgh!” No, that’s not my pirate impression from Halloween, it’s what I yelled (minus a few four-letter words) when I spilled an entire cup of coffee on my MacBook Pro a few days ago. I had the coffee cup on my studio desk — I know, I shouldn’t have — and I reached behind it to grab a cable, and the next thing I knew, a flood of hot coffee was pouring everywhere, including directly onto the keyboard of my laptop. I shut it down, ran and got a towel, and desperately blotted it. Then I turned it upside down and coffee came pouring out of it. Not a good sign.

In the vain hope that my AppleCare policy would cover any damage, I looked up the terms online, but, alas, no coverage for spills. Next, I rushed over to my Apple-authorized repair shop. They said they’d open up the laptop, take a look, and let me know the extent of the damage. Hoping against hope, I drove home (after stopping at Starbucks — hey, I’m a coffee junkie, spill or no spill), and awaited the call from the shop. 

When they called, there was good news and bad news: The good news was that the laptop's SSD hard drive was not damaged. The bad news: the coffee had gotten into the motherboard, and it was kaput. The price to replace it was $600, making that ill-fated cup of coffee the most expensive one of my life. 

So why am I telling you this? I am hoping my experience will give you pause before you put a drink down next to your computer or other studio electronics. I know it’s tempting. Before this incident, I always thought, “I’m careful, I won’t spill.” And for many years, I didn’t. But all it takes is once. If you get a little distracted you might not be as careful as usual, and boom, the next thing you know, you and your gear are swimming in coffee, soda, water, beer or whatever.

I plan to institute a no-liquids rule on my studio desk, and I’ll figure out a spot safely out of range to place my coffee cup. (I’m not giving that up!)

Have you had any studio disasters? Let’s hear your stories. Post a reply to this editorial, and we can commiserate.

Have a great week.

Mike Levine

U.S. Editor, Audiofanzine

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Quote from sonicboom:
Quote from johnnygo:
cats running all over the pc keyboard,over the mixing desk,everywhere-result-total chaos and lost work.

What do you DO in that case?! I want a cat, but my home studio would be a kitty's paradise and my nightmare. I have no idea how to efficiently protect all wires, monitors and cabs from the wrath of a kitty's claws...

just got to keep em out when working,then i cover everything i can with sheets of plastic when/if they do come into the room their hairs won't get into the mixer and anything else hairs can get in to,as for the cables,they don't go near them for some reason,got an old armchair in there to help dampen the once empty room when recording,they can scratch that rather than a bass cabs front.
Haven't got any cats tho anymore but it was chaotic at times when i did have 2,one who loved to sit on top of the pc tower when i was using it.Had to clean out the pc regularly especially the fan.

Be Reasonable

Demand The Impossible

Mike it is so sad. be thankful your gata did not pee on your keyboard! anyway all good man. miguel carlos peva :)
be thankful your gata did not pee on your keyboard!

That's for sure. :mdr: