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Audio Damage EOS

Audio Damage revealed a few details of their algorithmic reverb effect called EOS, which they say is in full development at the moment.

Two main points were mentioned on their blog, in their own words:

“Here’s a first real look at Eos, the next Audio Damage product. Some highlights:
1. As you can see, it has three distinct algorithms. Plate One is a summed input plate algo. This means it combines the left and right to proved the source input for the algorithm. It has a stereo output on a stereo track, though. Plate Two is a slightly different algorithm, with a stereo input. Superhall is a hall algorithm designed specifically for long dense modulated reverbs, like you’d find on a Harold Budd album. These algorithms were written by Sean Costello under contract to Audio Damage, and are very, very good. (And you’ll note that I rarely qualify the word ”good, " let alone with two instances of “very.”)

2. The control structure we’ve gone with is quite a bit different than our normal methods. You can grab any of the digit displays to change the values; grabbing them towards the left gives you big changes, and grabbing them towards the right gives you small changes. This seemed much handier than having a text value entry (the which I dislike intensely) and gives you control that is just as fine. Also, all the graphical displays are X/Y controllers. The big oval on the top, the X is decay (RT60 in the vernacular) and the Y is size. The little sperm thing inside the oval displays the modulation rate and depth. The filter displays are similar, with X being the cutoff for the respective filter and Y being the multiplier.

This plug-in has a much different topology internally than ADverb (née Reverence) and has a correspondingly much different sound. It also has a ludicrously low CPU usage. As far as I’m able to measure, the DSP itself has no real usage to speak of, and most of the CPU is a result of instancing a VST or AU in the first place. It can easily be used live on a laptop, or multiple-instanced. This was our real goal: to provide a nice, long, lush reverb outside of the normal CPU-intensive processes, and in my opinion that was accomplished."

No details on pricing or availability info yet.
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