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Terratec Producer Axon AX 100
Terratec Producer Axon AX 100
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joepass joepass
Published on 02/23/06 at 04:53
Axon AX100 MK II

1U, rather simple
menus read without squinting ....


Manual in French on the website of tlchargeable TerraTec
The bank's internal sounds are .... how to say .... mdiocres! as almost all banks GM
for professional use, it will be necessary to have external sound modules
I use a XV 5080, and is something else .... but with the EXS24 in Logic Pro and banks of sounds quality is your exact INESPRE!


If only one read the instructions and using the editor on a PC or Mac, the implementation is relatively simple. (I speak for Utisa habit hack machine for a novice should be more complicated)


I use it for two days, and frankly, this converter is simply super ... latency is almost zero ...
I programmed in my sequencer (Logic Pro) all kinds of tracks (drums, bass, brass, piano etc.) and the result is really high.
It is true that we must play as cleanly as possible to avoid the "ghost notes" no information gnrent midi ...

The AX100 is a product is a very effective price is affordable (especially Thomann) and it offers between the guitarists in the world of the South ....