60 videos
The Ant 2 - Controller For The Micromonsta 2
The Ant 2 - Controller For The Micromonsta 2
M83 pads with Micromonsta 2
Une interface hybride pour Pro Tools, un nouvel a…
Audiothingies MicroMonsta 2 Demo
Locrian Mode // Blofeld, Digitone, Micromonsta, D…
Audiothingies Doctor A With... Micromonsta
Audiothingies Doctor A With... Arturia Minibrute …
Audiothingies Doctor A With... Korg Monologue
Audiothingies Doctor A With... Arturia Bsp + Behr…
Audiothingies Doubledrummer - Sound Tweaking (W/ …
Audiothingies Doubledrummer Quick Overview
[Synthfest] Audiothingies DoubleDrummer
Audiothingies MicroMonsta detailed walkthrough (w…
Audiothingies MicroMonsta synth review
Audiothingies Micromonsta - New stuff in v1.0.3
11 Custom Presets for the Audiothingies Micromons…
Audiothingies Micromonsta + Doubledrummer W/ Cust…
Audiothingies DoubleDrummer quick demo
Midialf Bassline Shootout - Audiothingies Micromo…
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