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Boss GEB-7 Bass Equalizer
Boss GEB-7 Bass Equalizer
pulvonium pulvonium
Published on 07/15/07 at 03:23
Effects pedal format classic Reference BOSS GEB-7
7-band equalizer for bass volume + (8 sliders)
Respective frequency: 50 / 120 / 400 / 500 / 800 / 4500 / 10000Hz
An LED illuminates when the effect is activated (inside truism ...)
Each band is adjusted using a slider with a fairly short step to locate the center position.
The Eq is not "mathematical": The frequencies were chosen specifically to meet the sound hinges electric bass.

Apart from that, classic frame at Boss: Enough heavy and solid, regular access to the battery, making power to the standard Boss (9V negative polarity in the middle), rubber sole ... Solid built to last ... and we do not forget to remove the cables to the battery not eat between rehearsals!
I would have much larger view with sliders and a diode longer visible, but it would cost more!


Configuration is very simple: One branch, the effect is activated, and adjusted the sliders to walk by his ears!
It turns off the sound to compare with untreated ... and we finally found!
Short manual in English, but for this type of effect, no need for lengthy theoretical explanations ...


Here we enter the heart of the matter: Yes, excellent sound quality!
The theory on Eq is that it is better to avoid adding to cut the breath and saturations. Well here you can go before it blows, it has a large volume!
My problem with EQ "classic" (Bass / Med / Treble, possibly parametric) is that the action of a factor bound to modify the other two.
Here, no: Each variation of a frequency band allows the addition (or removal) of a color unique sound. The frequencies are well chosen in my opinion (I do not know what it donnnerait with a 5-string) Only the frequency 10000Hz not "jump" to the ears not as much as the other six.
I find it easier to find "my" sound with this pedal with my amp Eq yet have ben provided. In particular, I heard accents trèèèès serious that I had never made so far on the same stuff with the EQ of the amp ...
In addition, the graphical representation of the setting sliders appears more clearly than the knobs in my opinion (but that's more the domain of psychoacoustics)
The slider "LEVEL" allows a change in dynamics very important.
(FYI: I play 4 string electric bass with a passive micro PB and JB, a Fender amp and 300W HP 15 inches.)


I have since February 2006.
I originally bought this pedal for a snapping sound in a passage where the bass has to go "forward". Finally, given the ease in finding the sound, this pedal helps me do my outright its "basic"! At one point I even had two in my pedalboard (with a low ...)
What makes it even better: I bought it secondhand for a low price and is in mint condition ...