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Kustom KBA10

All user reviews for the Kustom KBA10

Bass Guitar Combo Amp from Kustom belonging to the KBA series

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  • trouchontrouchon

    Kustom KBA10Published on 06/11/06 at 01:25
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Amp 600watt lamp with modlisation numrique
    I DCON is not just a good little 10Watt to debut in the low-kan is not much in kon and has already let go for a coffee.
    Connectik the good is far from complicated (for beginners lol), tt was noted in the same small qualiseur 3bandes ComenC has to tickle his own sound.
    and finally I hold to congratulate ingnieurs of kustom for their prowess technik, yes this amp possde a headphone


    If you want good sound, do not mount a BEYOND 1 / 4 the volume low if not fall out, grazing the medium and acute APRS rot but it sounds good overall thanks to the small qualiseur


    both in learning the bass, the style of music I…
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    Amp 600watt lamp with modlisation numrique
    I DCON is not just a good little 10Watt to debut in the low-kan is not much in kon and has already let go for a coffee.
    Connectik the good is far from complicated (for beginners lol), tt was noted in the same small qualiseur 3bandes ComenC has to tickle his own sound.
    and finally I hold to congratulate ingnieurs of kustom for their prowess technik, yes this amp possde a headphone


    If you want good sound, do not mount a BEYOND 1 / 4 the volume low if not fall out, grazing the medium and acute APRS rot but it sounds good overall thanks to the small qualiseur


    both in learning the bass, the style of music I play evolves much (mtal, rock, pop rock, funk, jazz, classical), but this amp comes just a follow tjrs this rfr has this little qualiseur to get the desired sound to each style of music.
    I play with a cort actionbasse (CHRE and not good to start with) and his ke I prfre is round with a lot of heat (ie, acute way, few mdium, and enough bass to vibrate the legs)


    has already 8months I play on this amp and to start it is perfect thanks notably his super low price and small qualiseur friendly.
    Now if it is to make repeated it will just rev especially if your drummer has a heavy hand. by impassable in concert against
    I bought an amp more costo (fender rumble 100) but I was not able to spar with my little Kutome remains very practical work for the songs alone in his room.
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  • Shen49Shen49

    Kustom KBA10Published on 04/11/09 at 07:36
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Transistor Amplifier 10w

    power delivered is more than enough to work for either!

    connectors: Input Jack, Headphone out, it lacks a line out but hey

    Controls: Volume, 3 band equalizer


    Configuration could not be more simple it is to work for an amp is nothing more!

    To have a good sound, I recommend lowering the mids and treble and bass up, and within the fourth volume is a perfect sound for the apartment;)

    I put 8 for the fact that the button "volume" to a race too low!


    For any style!

    bass: Cort Artisan C4 series

    the sound is adjustable hp 10 "one is not forced on sounds fatty substance, but it's still more than adequate to start o…
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    Transistor Amplifier 10w

    power delivered is more than enough to work for either!

    connectors: Input Jack, Headphone out, it lacks a line out but hey

    Controls: Volume, 3 band equalizer


    Configuration could not be more simple it is to work for an amp is nothing more!

    To have a good sound, I recommend lowering the mids and treble and bass up, and within the fourth volume is a perfect sound for the apartment;)

    I put 8 for the fact that the button "volume" to a race too low!


    For any style!

    bass: Cort Artisan C4 series

    the sound is adjustable hp 10 "one is not forced on sounds fatty substance, but it's still more than adequate to start or work at home (and this is why it is done!)


    I use it for 1 year and a half to work at home to supplement my Marshall Dynamic Bass 72410 for the stage!
    The quality / price (70 € in stores) is excellent!

    a very good choice that I recommend for anyone who wants to work from home, whatever the Kba16x is still largely a step above!

    In the 10w is the best for sure!

    With experience I will take the 16w for greater modularity, but if you start low, go ahead there is no worries!
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