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Sunn 215
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Published on 12/19/06 at 07:10
Basically my group gave me an Ampeg B2R head (200W into 8 ohms / 300W into 4 ohms) with an HP 4x15pc Sunn (the 215H).

APRS year, another birthday, another gift of the group (yes I gt: the Sunn 215b (2x15pc).

Suffice to say that after years my trainer a 150W combo, switch to such a configuration change many things.

Technically, nothing remarkable: two inputs jacks, four wheels (very convenient for dplacer without tiring) and a wind off the bottom to let air Chapper.

The report price is trs good quality.

I used to scne, o s'avre the most useful, but also pub (yes I have bones ...).


The Sunn 215 B is quite large in volume but the sound is also: clean, powerful, clear though that does not have a tweeter, unlike the 215 H. It can conceding trs great power without flinching, and sending the grave (a push!) 2x15pc force (be careful not to catch cold when same).


I possde since 2003 and have used less than a dozen times because of the size of the beast, that does not fit in my car ... This is the only ngatif!