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Crel JBMorph
Crel JBMorph
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«  Wow! »

Published on 06/20/11 at 02:51
Value For Money : Excellent
How long have you use it?
Since less than a week, so this is an early notice. The set is installed on my standard V JazzBass USA 2010.

What is so special that you like most and least?
Pros: it's the job. it reminds me of systems humbuckers with coil selector like some Warwick. I installed a similar system based on another Bartos low and I wanted to have the same versatility in my JazzBass. Unless this question falls outside the humbuckers and it's not really a Jazzbass. With these microphones the sound of the Jazzbass is quite respected. Limit is a little disappointing initially becaufe garde sound close to home and you do not feel the difference immediately. Yet when we play as a group we feel much better. The presence and accuracy have increased. In config "fat" fingers I won the growl, low mids and very low frequencies (the so serious is more accurate). In config "light" slap in the treble give more present and yet more percussion notes are easier to hear. Thus ended the "plop" of the strings that affect the studs. I won 4 or 5 dB output level config "fat". About installing it hyperfacile, no need soldering iron. on the other hand I had a few minutes to successfully make everything fit under the plate ... The wiring is super clean and super well insulated, it exudes quality. For delivery is very quick, delivered in 3 days after order.
Cons: The little golden sticker on micro Crel ... I find it very nice ...
The buttons cache knob to almost float 1 cm above the plate in the same position. Brief details. Level background noise and interference have a slight improvement but still a bit yen especially near the computers (it's still the single coil). Another notable point there is a difference in level between the two positions of the coil, it makes sense when you know the system design but it's good to know before buying.

Have you tried many other models before buying it?
Before I had the original pickups that sound good but ultimately lacked the precision and slap that bad. I have a fretless equipped Bartos (not real Mk1 months).

How would you rate the quality / price?
Excellent! 200 euros electronics and high-end microphone pre-wired, no equivalent.

With experience, you do again this choice?
I would say that over time.