Boston Acoustics VR2 - Irowhat's review
translatedI use them for about two years. These speakers are excellent in many musical registers. The balance of frqueces is very good. It was a serious rather deep and quite Introduced a magnificent mdium, …
Boston Acoustics CR 75 - Anonyme's review
translatedHa ha ha .. c ^ combiuen the power? 2 WATTS?
Boston Acoustics CR7 - RickD's review
translatedAt the time of their release these speakers were praised by the audiophile press. There was nothing of this quality in the same size and this price range. I would not hesitate to repeat this choi…
Boston Acoustics CR77 - Greig's review
translatedI, unwanted pregnant these past 7 years, came to replace CR63 (columns of the same brand). Purchased new. These are bookshelf speakers but despite their size infiérieure CR 63 columns, they are beaco…
Boston Acoustics CR7 - ecotux's review
translatedVery good product they have had the Diapason d'Or good tonal balance, bass surprising in view of their size.
Boston Acoustics VR2 - Irowhat's review
translatedI use them for about two years. These speakers are excellent in many musical records. The balance of frqueces trs is good. It was a serious plutt deep, and quite Submitted a magnificent mdium, and …