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< All Dunlop Advanced Guitar Capo 11C reviews
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Dunlop Advanced Guitar Capo 11C
Dunlop Advanced Guitar Capo 11C
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cho7kipu cho7kipu
Published on 05/08/06 at 05:53
I used this capo for a while, and here is my verdict:

By design, this capo has a tendency to pull the strings when you pull if you are not careful, increasing slightly their sound. As a result, the guitar does not sound very fair, and this effect is accentuated the higher up the capo up on the handle.

I think the argument that price / size suggested by some is not so much in the way 3 / 4 of cases.

Any person who tried the trigger capo Dunlop (19 euros) will confirm that it is much better than what kind of capo at 2 under. The size of the trigger is bigger, but personally my capo I do not rank in my pocket, so I'm not close to this detail.

For the price of 19 euros, it is indeed more expensive than a conventional capo, but when you play guitar, there must be a budget (including strings), and include in its budget an investment of 19 euros for something that is great and the road that will last for years and years, it's not rocket science.

So my advice: if you do not have a size constraint, and that you are not close to your sub, go for the trigger in dunlop capo (it's the size of a palm of your hand so), you will not regret it.

rating: 1 star, because it can always help, but it does not deserve the name of capo