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< All Paiste Signature Traditionals Medium Light China 14" reviews
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Paiste Signature Traditionals Medium Light China 14"
Paiste Signature Traditionals Medium Light China 14"
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jazzystochat jazzystochat
Published on 12/14/05 at 14:48
I-prs possde this cymbal since 9 years and I play frquemment trs.
It's a possde-which I totally hooked because I was looking for a Chinese who do not drooled so short and with a trs his trsdfini, trs focal but while remaining musical .. O)
Frankly I did not find any default.
"I ssay three dozen MODELS before finding it.
As always with Paiste, the price is quite particulirement lev and with the traditionnal SERIES.
Toll-MODEL hsiter I reselect it elsewhere I intend to buy another 18 inch if I can find.