Rhythmic Robot NanoMod 1: Rich Pads
Synthesizer Sample
Rhythmic Robot Emulator II OMI Universe of Sounds: Vol 2
Virtual hybrid synth
Rhythmic Robot NanoMod 5: Analog Bass
Synthesizer Sample
Rhythmic Robot OrgaTone 601
Virtual Organ
Rhythmic Robot Bass III
Other Virtual Synth
Rhythmic Robot Uproar
Other Virtual Synth
Rhythmic Robot Prototype EP
Virtual Electric Piano
Rhythmic Robot Shortwave
Virtual additive synth
Rhythmic Robot Voices of Native America volume II
World & Ethnic Sample
Rhythmic Robot NanoMod 4: Hot Brass
Synthesizer Sample
Rhythmic Robot PatchVault Jupi6 Factory Set
Other Virtual Synth
Rhythmic Robot Typewriter
Virtual percussion
Rhythmic Robot PanaRhythm
Virtual Percussion Synth
Freeware -
Rhythmic Robot Patchvault Poly6 Factory Set B
Other Virtual Synth
Rhythmic Robot Trixer
Virtual Percussion Synth
Rhythmic Robot Voices of Native America volume I
World & Ethnic Sample
Rhythmic Robot NanoMod 6: Snare
Synthesizer Sample
Rhythmic Robot Patchvault Taster
Other Virtual Synth
Freeware -
Rhythmic Robot Crank
Virtual hybrid synth
Rhythmic Robot Patchvault Poly6 Factory Set A
Other Virtual Synth
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