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Ma Lighting GrandMA2 onPC

All user reviews for the Ma Lighting GrandMA2 onPC

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Audience: Advanced users Value For Money : Excellent
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  • DeadSocaDeadSoca


    Ma Lighting GrandMA2 onPCPublished on 04/24/18 at 12:11
    Who doesn’t know GrandMA2 ? These lighting desks have taken the crown as the must have for practically all top notch professional events!

    With GrandMa2 onPC, a PC software is now in charge of doing the job – no longer a lighting desk. The software is available for free so do not hesitate to download it to give it a try. Yet, you’ll have to pay to use it in a professional context as it requires an outcoming physical DMX signal, which requires Node or Command Wing.

    To make it short, it’s a very comprehensive software (the most comprehensive in its domain): What more could I say? Give it a try!

    However, it involves a certain learning curve, making its use quite uneasy in the first hou…
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    Who doesn’t know GrandMA2 ? These lighting desks have taken the crown as the must have for practically all top notch professional events!

    With GrandMa2 onPC, a PC software is now in charge of doing the job – no longer a lighting desk. The software is available for free so do not hesitate to download it to give it a try. Yet, you’ll have to pay to use it in a professional context as it requires an outcoming physical DMX signal, which requires Node or Command Wing.

    To make it short, it’s a very comprehensive software (the most comprehensive in its domain): What more could I say? Give it a try!

    However, it involves a certain learning curve, making its use quite uneasy in the first hours… A good number of hours to start (preferably with the help of an experienced user), then a few additional dozen hours to go through the basic features… After which you keep discovering features day after day! ;)
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