Contact Us
Before contacting us, please check the following points…
Most questions already have answers in the Frequently Asked Questions section!
Before contacting us, please make sure that your question has not been answered in the FAQ.
This hotline is not for technical questions on audio gear!
If you have a question regarding hardware or software, please post it in the forums. For any documentation requests, please get in touch with your respective local distributor.
We are not a store!
If you would like to purchase a product, please contact one of our partner stores.
We are neither a manufacturer nor a distributor!
Brands and manufacturers are referenced on our website only for information purposes. If you wish to contact a manufacturer, please do so directly or through the distributor in your country.
Any questions that fall into the above categories will be ignored.
Please provide URLs (links to relevent pages) as well as any other information (forum, thread, product, user, etc.) that could help us identify the problem.
We will not reply to messages that do not have enough information (e.g. links to the page that has a problem).
This site is published by the company P. Bordas, SAS with a capital of €77,235.
Director of publication: Nicolas Debarnot
Head Office Address:
P. Bordas SAS
9 rue Emile Allez
75017 Paris
SIRET: 310 072 384 00061
RCS Paris B 310 072 384
Name and address of host:
Bits & Beats
Nägelsbachstr. 33
91052 Erlangen - Germany
To contact us, please use the form on the following page.