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Zildjian A Custom Fast Crash 18&quot;
Zildjian A Custom Fast Crash 18"

Crash Cymbal from Zildjian belonging to the A Custom series

superapollo superapollo
Published on 10/07/08 at 13:23
When choosing to take the small leaps in the spacing of my crash sizes, going from 15 to 18 was a choice I am very happy with. Basically, one year in I have no intent in changing the solitiy of favoring a 1-2 or 1-2-3 or sometimes even more punches in a cymbal combo. I will crash crash crash, and then crash some more. Zildjian is a great band to do it with. I'll keep coming back to her until she turns me away, but so far she has been there with open arms of quality and love every time.

Zildjian Fast crashes I prefer for consistency and of course the sound. I'll ride out on anyone of them, and make quick crash transitions all over the place. I love to explore the depths of sound you can reach by different levels of strength exerted into the crashes, and different places to hit them. Zildjian, my love, keep singing to me, and I'll give you the sa.me