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D'Addario Zyex, Helicore, Prelude & Kaplan

D’Addario presents an artistic redesign for D’Addario Bowed and a new way of packaging single strings.

These upgrades to Zyex, Helicore, Prelude and Kaplan packaging are also said to use less paper.

Violin and viola single strings are now packaged in sealed pouches.  The front and back of the pouch are each made of two layers of moisture resistant, food-grade materials.  These double-layered panels are then bonded together with a wide-band continuous seal which further locks out moisture and air.  

The back of each pouch is made of clarity layers, allowing the musician to see each string without having to remove and handle it. The pouches ensure that strings will be as fresh as possible when strung onto an instrument, D’Addario assures.  Each pouch has two side-notches to be opened easily and safely once the player is ready to use the string.

For more information on D’Addario’s packaging and strings, visit www.daddariobowed.com

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