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Behringer Ultra-DI DI20
Behringer Ultra-DI DI20

DI from Behringer belonging to the Ultra-DI series

babas3d babas3d

«  Avoid this »

Published on 09/29/11 at 01:54
This is a direct box size housing 2 Input Jacks 1 / 4 unbalanced and two balanced XLR outputs.


There is no need for manual buttons speak for themselves.


So there ... but then there is the great anything. It produces the opposite effect that should produce an ID.
I had the opportunity to test two of which had knocked a lot and a new one:
- As it had knocked RTL TV reception
- One that was new generating a monstrous blast


I have made the loan to last night
We had a lot of noise emanating from the PC and out of our speakers Yamaha MSR-250. The hard drive that was "scrouch scrouch" and the processor that was "zouuhh".
We also tested two Stageline DIB-100 passive single channel, not the high end (32 €) and they worked perfectly. They have eradicated our parasites.
So after comparative test of two different entry-level and in exactly the same conditions ... the verdict is clear: I am sure that the breath comes from the Behringer DI and not elsewhere. Otherwise, the Stageline have screwed up in exactly the same way. And those who think we are too stupid not to press the ground lift should review their ears because we have tested all the buttons to try to remove the "breath of death."
So I advise to never buy that stuff there. For € 45 more and I would buy two nine Stageline Behringer instead of one.
I also thought that a DI was something no more complicated to build an adapter, now I know not. In fact my friend who lent me the rent for suckers who do not even know what a balanced signal or interest and who use it just as an adapter.
And then 20 € is the price of the metal box so one wonders what he can install it as mail.
This is the first product Behringer that I test. Now, I'm wary if I ever need to buy their product. The quality seems to be sawtooth, sometimes it works, sometimes it does not work ... even nine