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Behringer DDX3216
Behringer DDX3216
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RelicRoy RelicRoy
Published on 11/24/03 at 03:51
Very complete, nothing to say at that level ...


The approach is quite intuitive for a user who moves from analog to digital. It can be used fairly quickly at first but it will take complete control, as with everything, spend some time with the manual is good and fairly complete.


The converters are good enough. The effects do not sound too bad provided you do not abuse it and put too much everywhere. Personally and in my home studio, I use external reverbs and compressors (TC Electronics and ART) that I find much higher. Also I do not make my final mix with the DD3216, I transfer my tracks to Nuendo and I mix with the effects Nuendo I think they sound better ... matter of taste. on the other hand in sound "live" this console gives me satisfaction to all points of view.


I use it for almost a year since the beginning of little problems I had not too serious but annoying after a while.
- The light flashes on the screen and eventually die after a few minutes.
- The CHANNELS 23 and 24 remain in pair mode and it is impossible to separate them.

The factory pre-sets, very useful to begin with, promised in the documentation was not present in OS console. However, I have been able to get on the site Berhinger and load easily into the machine.
That said this is a beautiful beast for the price!
A remake? with the same budget certainly yes