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M-Audio ProjectMix I/O
M-Audio ProjectMix I/O
Ryko Ryko
Published on 09/26/08 at 21:21
Firewire Interface with 8 motorized control surface Mono Analog inputs (Mic or Line XLR Jack), an instrument input is a shared entrance, a stereo RCA SPDIF input. 8 ADAT Optical (Lightpipe) (ADAT converter option) or 18 entries in total.
4 mono outputs (1 & 2, 3 & 4) jack, no dedicated monitor output is used for outputs 1 & 2 to connect their monitors. 1 SPDIF output RCA Stereo. 8 out ADAT Optical (ADAT converter always optional), or 14 outputs.
Note 2 outputs monotoring headphones with volume control and independent mix.
Word clock sync connection for ext.
9 I note in relation to the number of limited release (of course with a converter ADAT I put 10). Otherwise it is complete, it looks to me fairly robust and does not gadget!


Quick and no problems whatsoever on my laptop (Intel Core Duo 2.66 GHz, 1GB Ram, Nuendo, XP Pro) my Desktop (XP Atlhon 1.3 GHz, 1.5 GB Ram, Nuendo, XP Pro). Very simple configuration, the PDF manual is short but comprehensive and clear.
about functions, we have everything at hand, a real treat. Tuning of EQ, plugins, VSTi, audio & midi channels ... total control at hand, the mouse and keyboard become secondary, it's cool that!
Mixing become a real pleasure, it's simple I back all my old songs and remixes with the project mix. So it sounds better and more coherent.


With regard to the sound, having had the opportunity to test MOTU Traveller, RME Fireface, Sounblaster Audigy (!!!!!!) and edirol, the preamp is relatively tansparents and quite precise, although transient reagissents, treble rather well-defined, an ample headroom, even a very low blows when you push the gain of the preamps do not come and spoil the catch. In short, not much to complain about. Not high-end nickel certes.Mais taken to make very accurate.
I made ​​the catch of voice, electric guitar on an old Marshall JMP Master Model MK2 Lead 100W donf has grown, making batteries and everything is very well emerged with good definition. EDIT: With a drummer who hits hard, it saturates the preamps that start at 20 dB and there is no pad, so distrust. The A / D converters are rather clean and transparent, but it's not the top as the Mytek or Lynx Aurora.

EDIT: I note down my 8 because of preamps / convertos premium (Prismsound & co) are very high quality top.


I use it for 2 months and I'm really pleased. Took me a while to my mind, after trying other brands (RME, MOTU, Edirol and Tascam) is to mix the project as I turned because I was really amazed by its ease use.

Goodies: see above
Cons: the number of exits just too limited (to invest in a good converter to have 8 ADAT outputs, and (or) 8 additional entries)
Paid 1099 euros in Playback, a choice I would do.

EDIT: on 29/04/2007

After several months of intensive use (Studio, repeated). Ben I am still very happy. Faders, knobs are still there, no weakness noted. In practice this is what is missing to make it perfect: a button to cut out 1 / 2 and (or) 3 / 4, the phantom power supply or at least by 4 by 4, the drivers that vista are expected. Here I will complete my opinion as you go.