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Roland FP-4
Roland FP-4

Digital Piano from Roland belonging to the FP series

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patmol patmol
Published on 09/09/07 at 02:38
Is rfrer sheet manufacturer or previous ones to notice.

I shall just point out the interesting connection trs PF-4, suprieur largely with that of the Yamaha P-140!
We then find the Roland two headphone jacks (large JACK), MIDI, USB, several made for the pedals which can then take various functions ...

Rest if you have the usefulness of these functions.


Level touch, I am satisfied with TRS.
Sr Although this is not the best feel of the market and it is not worth that of the RD-700, but it remains enjoyable trs, and Fidler acoustic piano touch, trs good for this price! Touch is also adjustable (lightweight, normal or hard).

on the other hand, fate careful well ask your dealer manual in FRENCH! For all uses are made by key combinations can be quite complex. With a manual no problem, but otherwise ...


Talking about the sounds on offer by this keyboard.
Personally, I love the sound of piano roland, a little deaf, but a sound round and a stamp that leaves room for a great expressiveness.

I love the bass sounds, especially those with a cymbal sound. Only BMOL is that the bass sounds lose their charm if you only play with the simple amplification of the keyboard. Headphones, or plug into amp, it is a joy, but otherwise ...

I therefore privileged the game with headphones only.

the strings are not the most Russian, but not bad when even. The organ sounds seem interesting, especially with the multi purpose but I do not know still use it.
Percu kits are nice, sr, well, there is the bank GM2 always apprciable.


I use this keyboard for a week, and I am Fully satisfied.
J'hsitait with an FP-7, but I do not regret my choice. Of course, the amplification of the FP-4 trs is average, but with headphones, is happiness. Touch me happy, especially in this price range.
Some sounds are great, others a little less raliste, but the piano remains cel numrique APRS all!

The connection is aprciable rich, especially for connecting to PC!

I RPET, I do not regret my choice at all, the FP-4 is for me the best keyboard on the market for less than 1500!